Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Healing of a Land

God had promised Abraham that he would make him into a great nation.  Through the obedience of his offspring ( Isaac , Jacob, Joseph and others) it had come to pass.  Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, and later, his predecessor, Joshua would lead them to possess the Promised Land and to establish them as a great nation.  A nation with whom the presence of God dwelt.

As God made covenants with His people, over and over He reminded them that if they would follow His laws and obey His Word; His blessings would rest on them richly as a people.  But if they, instead, chose to wander away from Him, follow other nations and gods- rebelling against God’s laws, He would allow them to be overtaken by other nations.  The blessing of God on the children of Israel was found in enjoying His protection and rest from oppressors.

The United State of America, a country founded on a desire to worship God, has the same type of covenant relationship with the Lord.  If we honor Him, keep His decrees, and obey His Word, He will keep us safe from our enemies and protect our land.  If we choose to follow after other gods and forsake Him, He has no requirement to protect and keep us.  Just as He did Israel, the people whom He chose for His name’s sake.

Today we celebrate Independence Day- freedom from England- freedom to be an independent, self-governing nation.  We have a rich heritage indeed of godly men and women who worked hard to protect our freedom to worship God. A heritage of brave men and women who fought off our enemies that we might stand united and free.  Today is a day to celebrate our freedom, our rights, and our blessings as a nation.  In so doing, we remember those who valiantly fought to give us that right- paying the great price that we may enjoy freedom.

Additionally,  we must never forget that ultimately God establishes a nation and God brings it low.  Any success we enjoy is because His hand has provided it.  Focusing on military strength has merit, but our greatest strength comes from resting in the hands of the Almighty, covenant-keeping God who blesses those who follow Him for generations to come!  But He also reserves the right to allow chastening to come to His rebellious children.

Today, before we kick off our celebrations, will you join me in a time of remembering our spiritual heritage as a nation and praying for its protection?

Thank you, Lord, for the freedom and blessings we enjoy in America.  Thank you for those who laid down their lives.  We do realize that freedom is not free.  We stand not only in the shed blood of our military who has guarded our nation, but especially in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the sacrifice for our sins.  We recognize, Oh Lord,  that every good and perfect gift comes down from you our Father.  We receive it with joy and meekness. 

Forgive us for transgressing against Your law and turning aside to follow after idols of self-promotion, pride, arrogance, fleshly lusts and rebellion.  Help us to humble ourselves once again and remember that it is only in You that we stand in freedom and covenant blessings.  We repent of bloodguilt and rebellion and we ask that you heal our land.  Heal political, racial and moral divides.  Bring us the blessing of a healed and whole nation.  Hear us, Oh God, we pray!

“ if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  2 Chron. 7:14

© Sherri Evans Ministries 2018. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Friday, May 26, 2017

All Expense Paid


It was the summer I turned 19.  I was newly married and finally had my dream job- I worked for the State of Florida!  (OK, so ultimately not so dreamy, but at the time a BIG deal.) I remember being amazed that although I had just been hired full time, I would get a day off for free!  Memorial day weekend- a chance to barbeque, sleep in and shop!

It wasn't until yesterday, quite a few years later, that I realized... that day off was not free.  It was paid for by the blood of men and women who sacrificed to make America free.  It was a day of soberness and reflection, paid for with blood.  Wow.  I had totally missed it.

But just as quickly as thought came, revelation sprang in my Spirit.   I live everyday free.  Free from the penalty of my sin.  Free from spiritual oppression.  Free from bondage.  Free from darkness.  Brought to me by... the blood of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

I've heard it said that 'freedom isn't free'.  Nothing in life really is.  Every bit of it was bought and paid for by someone.  Free salad with an entrĂ©e?  Nah.  The price is included in the cost of everything else.  Free local park? Nope.  Paid for by tax dollars, or grants, also created with tax dollars.  No matter how free it is someone- somewhere- paid the bill.

Today if I choose to live in bondage, it is my choice.  My way has been purchased.  All expense paid departure is set aside for me.  All I have to do is believe and receive.

"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."  Rom. 10:9

Do you want to be free today?  If so, join me in prayer.

Dear Lord, I realize that I am in bondage due to my sin.  I believe that you are the Son of God, that you died for my sins and was raised from the dead.  I believe you paid the price to purchase my freedom and now I ask you to come in my heart, wash me and set me free.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


If you prayed that with me, I encourage you to tell a Christian and let them pray and rejoice with you!  Find a Bible believing church and become a part of regular worship, Bible study and growth.  There you will receive the tools you need to make the most of your freedom!  Congratulations!  You just made the best decision you will ever make!

© Sherri Evans Ministries 2017. All rights reserved. Used by permission. For booking schedule and information:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Purposeful, Yet Peaceful

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  John 14:27 (NKJV)

Perhaps you are like me-  crazy busy.  I have always subscribed to my mom's philosophy "I'd rather work a day to death, than see it die of natural causes." But even I will admit that I often allow busy-ness to leach the beauty and joy out of my day.  I allow the clutter of life- emails, phone calls, texts, homeschooling, ministry, family responsibilities- to drive me through my day, rather than me intentionally steering my day.

I sometimes imagine Jesus walking the earth like me... and I get tickled, imagining His mad rush, giving Peter and John an anxiety disorder.  Can't see it?  Me either!  I believe Jesus was purposeful, yet peaceful.  I believe He did the important without ever drowning out the quiet communion He walked in.  Always remaining and resting in the presence of His Father.

It is my prayer that today I will walk in purposeful peace.  That I will be led by peace, not by a schedule.  That I will perform the important and not only the urgent.  I pray that I will be salt and light to all I meet.

Will you agree in prayer with me?

Dear Lord, I ask that you will enable Your church to be powerful, purposeful, and yet peaceful.  Soothe the troubled souls today and apply your balm of healing and perfect rest.  In the mighty Name of Jesus I ask these things.  Amen.

© Sherri Evans Ministries 2017. All rights reserved. Used by permission. For booking schedule and information:

Friday, June 17, 2016

Living in the Eye of the Storm

Ps 18:2-6

2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 3 I call to the Lord,who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. 4 The cords of death entangled me;the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. 5 The cords of the grave coiled around me;the snares of death confronted me. 6 In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. (NIV)

I am blessed to live in sunny Florida- a place where I have been known to lay out in the sun on Christmas Day and get a lovely glow!  Just a short drive from my home, I can dig my toes in the pristine, sugar-white sandy beaches, as the beautiful, aquamarine water laps gently on the seashore.  The crashing sound of the surf soothes my soul.  The cry of seagulls completes the symphony of tranquility that I can enjoy.

All of these are benefits of living in a sunny, peninsular paradise.  But then...there are the hurricanes.  During those times, the water is no longer a haven, but a freeway for destruction. Torrential floods, tornadic winds, power outages, all are a huge downside to living in a coastal area.

As Christians, we abide in the sun of hope that is found in Jesus, our Savior.  We enjoy His presence, His peace, His joy.  And we are thankful.  But just as I can come to take my geographical location for granted, I can take the blessings of God for granted.  I can get an entitlement attitude where I feel like I "deserve" to live in a bubble of protection where no harm can befall me.  But such is the not the case of life.  Real life is a mixture of good and bad, joy and pain, sunshine and rain.  What do I do when the storms of life press in?

Ryan Stevenson's "Eye of the Storm" says it so poignantly:
"In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm"


When a hurricane presses down on the panhandle, we gather our supplies and we batten down our hatches. We hunker in.  (Whatever all that means!)  We run for a place of safety- a sturdy building.   When a hurricane of life comes our way,  we must run into the Rock of Ages.  We must take refuge in the Name of Jesus, our High Tower!

Life has been pressing down on my family for a while.  When it seems the storm is abating, we hear a new wind kicking up again.  It is disheartening.  It is frightening.  But I take great solace in knowing that His love always surrounds us.  Even if we are in the "eye of the storm."

Dear Lord, I pray today for others who are hurting.  Please comfort the mourning and dejected, please bind up the broken hearted and offer joy and peace to those who feel that they are without hope today.  Help us to find our way to the ark of safety, the protection that is in your Word and in the Name of Jesus.  Hide us, O Rock of Salvation, until the danger passes!  In Your mighty name, I pray.  Amen.

© Sherri Evans Ministries 2016. All rights reserved. Used by permission. For booking schedule and information:

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Made Great in the Wait

"31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. " Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

Last week I was "blessed"  with the opportunity to wait.  We waited at the hospital for 12 hours.  I waited at a doctor's office, and I waited at a pharmacy.  At one point, I had to stifle a giggle so as not to be rude.  Waiting people are not pretty people. 

When the wait first begins, people sit upright in their chair, looking fresh and thumbing through glossy magazines, engaging in light banter with other co-waiters.  But in time, the posture slumps, the magazine is tossed aside and conversation becomes less lively.  At the end of waiting, many people slide down in their chair- if their waiting is long, they may lay down right in a public place!  In time their eyes are glazed over.  Dead eyes.  Their faces, a grimace.  Their eyes resolute. "I will wait forever" becomes their refrain.

As I observed - and participated in- this phenomena, I realized how I must look in the Spirit most of the time.  In God's economy, we are always in the waiting room for one reason or a another.  We wait for direction, we wait for provision, we wait for opportunity, we wait for others to surrender to God.  In the waiting room our character is molded and shaped.  The rough edges are sanded off.  If there is any impatience in us, the wait will show it.  If there is any depth of character or abiding faith, it too, will have a chance to show forth while in the wait.

I am not to the place in life that I thought I would be. At this age, I thought I would already "be" what I dreamed of being.  Vocation/career wise.  But instead, I realize I am still in the motion of becoming.  Instead of looking ahead to a retirement in 20 years, I am hoping to have reached the place in ministry that I have been waiting 20 years to see.  Yes, 20 long years of waiting .  Of showing hope, impatience, and at times, apathy.

Waiting upon the Lord can be as hard as waiting in a doctor's office for service, or a hospital lobby for news.  But if we are plugged in to Him during the wait, our strength can renew.  We can garner strength to mount up with wings of eagles, to soar above the problem, to gain a loftier, God-sized view.  We can sit aright in our chair.  We can begin to walk briskly and find our feet breaking into a run.  As He infuses us with His power.  We can wait with grace.  Our waiting does not have to be in vain.  It can be fruitful.  Advantageous.  For not only us, but for those in our sphere of influence.
As we waited in different waiting areas, each time, as we set up camp, we quickly identified the areas of the room near an outlet.  We're a modern family!  We all have cell phones, tablets and even laptops to plug in.  We came with our batteries charged.  But we know the wait can wax long.  For hours. For eons.  So, we must be near a power source!

As you wait, are you plugged into THE power source?  Are you remaining steadfast in prayer?  Is the Word your firm foundation?  If not, you will likely faint in the wait.  Charge up, my friend!  You were made to soar!  You were created to run!

Dear God, I pray, today for those who are waiting.  Renew, refresh, and recharge their souls.  Let them sense your nearness.  Enable them to find purpose in the wait.  And peace.  As we wait for Your imminent return, let us wait expectantly and not be lulled to sleep by the much waiting.  Infuse us with your power and your Spirit.  In Jesus' mighty name, I pray!  Amen.

 © Sherri Evans Ministries 2015. All rights reserved. Used by permission. For booking schedule and information:

Monday, July 27, 2015

Afraid and Trusting

"When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."  Ps. 56:3, NIV

We got some devastating news this week.  One of our family members is facing a scary health crisis.  When I meet these types of challenges, my first intention is to meet the crisis with faith.  But I must admit that, at times, something inside me sinks.  I feel like retreating rather than attacking.  I feel like tucking and running.

Have you ever struggled with these types of spiritual conflicts?  There is almost a schizophrenia or two-mindedness. A war between the spirit man and the natural. A conflict between fear and faith; doubt and belief.

I wish I were one of those "super Christians" who always is on spiritually.  But, alas, I am just a flesh and blood believer.  Sometimes I feel weak.  Intimidated.  Other times, I feel invincible.  Revved up and bullet-proof.

As I fought to gain traction in my faith response, I realized that something in me was disappointed that God had not averted this crisis from us.  I wanted deliverance.  Protection.  But instead, He provided a "walk through."  A situation that will require us to lean on Him.  Listen more closely.  Something to stretch our faith and challenge our comfort. 

Then the question came to mind.  If God only kept us from trouble, what kind of witness would we have?  What kind of followers would He have?  Probably droves of people signing on for an easy, cheap, rendition of discipleship.  A protection plan sans the required devotion.

That is the not the kind of weak, wimpy, followers that God is seeking.  He is seeking ordinary men and women like the young David, who amidst bullying, ridicule and rejection, arose to slay a giant.  With one smooth stone.  And the Rock of Ages!

He is seeking women like Esther, who will rise up, "for such a time as this."  He is seeking people like Paul and Silas who will preach and proclaim even if it means imprisonment or death.

He is seeking those who will dare to follow him in radical obedience.  Overcoming faith.  Blind trust.  Oh, God, that I would rise to the challenge!

Dear Lord, I need you.  I pray that you will cause my spirit man to rise up in confidence and strength.  Forgive me for accepting defeat, when you purchased victory.  Sanctity my thoughts, my mind, my faith.  I make a choice to believe in You and to wait on your deliverance.  I admit I am afraid.  But while I am, I WILL trust in you.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


© Sherri Evans Ministries 2015. All rights reserved. Used by permission. For booking schedule and information:

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Living up to the Name

Acts 11:25-26
25 Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, 26 and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.
I went into a fast food restaurant this week, to grab a snack and use the faster Wi-Fi for work.  When I arrived at the counter, no one was standing there to take my order.  Across the dining room an employee yells, "Precious!" About that time, an employee with a name tag bearing that name, turns around and glares at me.  Begrudgingly, she stomps to the register, and as if by dare, she says "Can I take your order?!"  I give it to her.  She then turns around, grabs  a cup, and slams it on the counter.  "That will be $3.58," she demands.  I reluctantly hand it over to "Precious" and she throws my change back at me.
I'll admit, by this time, I was waffling between humor and a very poor attitude.  Part of me wants to say, "Look, never mind.  I do not want to do business here anymore."  The other part?  I'm dying laughing.  "Precious" is acting anything but precious.
As so often is the case, the Lord immediately begins to instruct my heart.  How many times do you bear my Name, but act anything but Christ-like?  Busted.  So many times!  In that moment, I hang my head a little bit and thank the angst-ridden cashier with my gentlest and cheeriest response.  In kind, she softens and smiles.
So many times I am guilty of forgetting my Name.  My mission.   Who I represent.  When I wear a Christian shirt, I try a little harder to live it out.  But sometimes as I speed down the interstate, I forget my  Ichthus on the back of my car.  "I am a Christian." "I am a lawbreaker."  Can they both be true?  At the same time?
We all sin.  We all fall short.  The glorious grace of God stands ready to offer us mercy and cleansing.  We do not have to be perfect to bear His Name. He doesn't blot my name out of the Lamb's Book of Life every time I fail to live up to the family name.  But am I representing?  Am I representing Him well with my attitudes, actions and words?  Especially when the right thing is not being done to- or for- me?
Want to be more Christ-like?   More readily identified as a Child of the King?  Join me in this prayer:
"Dear Lord, I fail and fall so short of Your goodness, Your righteousness and Your love.  Help me to live out my faith in a way that is identifiable and understandable to others.  Forgive me for the times that I cause people to lose sight of you. When I am a poor representation for you. In Jesus' Name.  Amen."


© Sherri Evans Ministries 2015. All rights reserved. Used by permission. For booking schedule and information: