Do you sometimes feel discontent with your current situation?
Our family enjoyed a wonderful day on the water for Memorial Day. When we arrived at our usual spot at St. Andrew's State Park, we were able to access an isolated stretch of beach. We were excited to note that the water was free from jellyfish and had very little "June grass" in it. But after a time of the guys trying unsuccessfully to fish, we decided to move our boat to another area in the hopes that it would be less choppy. After trying ineffectively for over 30 minutes to find that better place, we returned to our original spot. As strange as it may seem, in that short period of time a huge amount of seaweed had invaded our camp. Now it was impossible to swim without fighting the seaweed.
As we were cruising around looking for the perfect spot, I was reminded of the passage of Scripture in Hebrews 13: 5 that says: "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' " (NIV)

To be sure, life is full of inconveniences and disappointments, but that day I felt God saying to me: “enjoy what you have without always looking for better.”
Sometimes the best is within grasp and we do not perceive it. This passage in Hebrews shows that we can ultimately find contentment in whatever situation we are in because true contentment lies in the truth that God will never leave us nor forsake us.
Thank you, Lord, that we are blessed by your presence and sustaining power. Thank you that you walk with us and do not desert us Help us find contentment in whatever situation you place us in; in Jesus' Name. Amen.
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