Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Sure Guide

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
    along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn the darkness into light before them
    and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do;
    I will not forsake them.  Isaiah 42:16

Where did we get the idea that following the Lord meant we would know exactly where we were headed all of the time?   In this passage, among many others, the indication is that the leading is His prerogative and direction.    Many Christians believe that ministers should follow the Lord's leading and direction for their lives, but that the average, garden-variety Christian does not have that responsibility.  Not so.

When Jesus called the first disciples, He told them to "Come Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men."  Most of us are uncomfortable with letting the Lord lead us.  We want to weigh out our options and formulate a plan that makes sense to us.  But the call is still the same. 

This is a beautiful passage of Scripture.  It reminds us that as the Lord leads us, He is turning on the light before us.  He is clearing a path for us to follow.  We are in a covenant relationship with Him and he is affirming that He will carry out His side.  He will not leave us without help and direction.  He will go before us and protect us.  He will give us provision.  He is a faithful God!

Our modern society is not really conducive to this level of God's leadership.  Most of us are strapped to a ridiculous amount of debt and can see no way to leave behind steady income to follow a leading of the Lord. That was never his intent for his children.  The idea of being overly extended with debt is our invention.  And not a good one!  Think for a moment of what all you could do for the kingdom if you did not have debt hanging over your head?  What difference would it make if you were not overly committed with your schedule to where every night of the week is spoken for already? 

Our time is short.  There is much to do!  Pray and ask the Lord what areas of your life that He would have you free up so that you can follow Him more willingly.  Ask the Lord to show you the places that you still govern, rather than allowing Him to lead you.  Come on!  An adventure awaits you!

Dear Lord, thank you for your loving and steadfast guidance.  Thank you for being a sure protector for me.  Show me the areas of my life where I am not allowing you to lead.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.'

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Immeasurably More





Eph 3:20-21


20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.


When my kids were younger, a toy store started sending out nifty Christmas wish books complete with stickers.  The stickers said something like "Number 1"; "Gotta Have!"; "I love this!"... you get the point.  Each book probably contained 20-25 stickers.  Being the cool mom that I am, I made sure that each of them got their own. That way they could place stickers on their top picks to help me with our shopping list, and of course, the Santa letter.  My oldest, who has always been a bit more discriminating only used 3 or 4 of his stickers.  Next thing you know, though, my middle son had gotten the oldest one to give him his residual stickers.  Suddenly, his wish list has morphed into something even the Trump's would question.

After that, I had to take him aside and explain that we just cannot ask for everything.  We must choose the things we really love the best.  And still he had to understand that he might not get all he asked for. In life, I have probably been guilty of adopting a similar attitude with God.  I have to ask Him for just a couple of things.  I do not need to overtax God, right?

This verse says that "he is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."  Take a moment to think about that.  He is able.  He can do it- it is no problem for Him.  His power and ability is without limits.  But notice the next part...  He can do immeasurably more than all we ask.  Without measure.  Too great to be weighed or estimated.  That means I can never ask for anything too big or too hard. But that is not the end of it- He can do more than I can even imagine.  His thoughts are so much higher than mine.  His resources include things I have never even heard of.   That is why we can trust Him with our lives.  He knows things we will  never understand this side of heaven!

The final thing that leaps off the page to me is that it is according to His power that works in us.  His  power has already been loosed in the life of the believer.  What are we doing with that power?  Are we calling on it as we believe God for greater and greater things?  Or are we leaving it virtually untapped in our lives?

A note of balance.  God is sovereign and always has the right to "veto" a request that does not line up with His will or purpose for us.  As long  as we are  surrendering our desires to His written Word and will, the sky is the limit!  We can take the limits off of God and ask for the immeasurably greater things!


Dear Lord, forgive me for putting limits on You through doubt and unbelief.  Increase my view of You and my faith as well.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.



Wednesday, January 29, 2014

He Had Compassion





Matt 9:36


36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.



We live in a messed up world. Teens, and middle-aged folks alike, are hooked on drugs.  Singers have taken performances to flat-out pornography.  One of my six-year-old's favorite shows debuted the first Lesbian couple on a child's show this week.  What is the world coming to?  What is God's response to this?  What is our response supposed to be?


If you think the answer is outrage, your response is similar to mine. But perhaps, not that similar to Jesus' response.  When He walked the hills of Jerusalem, when He walked in Galilee, no matter where He walked, He saw hurting people. And He had compassion on them.  He saw them as harassed and helpless. People with no shepherd.  It moved the heart of the Almighty.  And it should move ours as well.


I become angry at the erosion of our society- the depravity that allows former child  stars to flaunt their perversion in America's face.  It disgusts me when people are buying drugs and neglecting their kids; or when teens are drinking and driving.   The sex trafficking industry, child pornography, child abuse... it all is more than I can abide.  But is that God's response?  Look in the Bible.  Jesus saw it first hand?  What was His response?  He was moved with compassion.  He reached out in love. He taught them the right.  Then He opened His arms wide...and died a sacrificial death for their sins.  To give them the hope of salvation if they chose it.  If I chose it.


I know that He is a just God.  He is righteous.  He is holy.  Yes, and amen!  But He is love.  He is able to see their situations and respond in compassion rather than judgment. Why? Because He understands why they are like they are.  He feels pity for the futile nature of their existence.  Do not get me wrong here, people who continue to live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.  Those deeds will be judged if left unrepented.  But for now...while there is still time, let us be moved with the compassion of Jesus.  Compassion to love, but not endorse.  Compassion to reach out, but not condone.  Compassion to pray and not give up. 


Dear Lord, please give me your heart, your eyes, and your attitude for this lost and dying world.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.




Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Spillers and Splasher


   Eph 3:19

19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.


Recently,  we were dining in a local restaurant, and for some reason, the service was quite poor.  I often drink quite a bit of my beverage with my meal.   Sometimes, I need 3-4 refills.  (Yes, I know!)  On this particular visit I ran out of my beverage early on, possibly during the appetizer.  I was half-way through my meal before I ever got a refill. You can imagine my disgust when they brought me out a glass about 3/4 of the way full.  When you are dying of thirst (melodrama mine) you want more than a partial refill.  You want to be filled to the top- and possibly more than once!

That is certainly true of beverages.  If you are paying for it, you want your money's worth, right?!  But what about when we talk about being full of God...  "filled to the measure of the fullness of God" no less!  Sadly, many people hold their hand up indicating that they only want a quarter inch of fullness in their glass.  (With a full pitcher poised above them.)  What is up with that?  Why do we want more of everything but God? Everyone wants more money, more fun, more friends, and more stuff.  But the fullness of God?   "A little dab will do ya."  Brothers and sisters, this should not be!  We should be constantly filled and refilled with the precious Holy Spirit.

If we are going to be the vessels that carry the gospel to a lost and dying world, we must do so with a full pitcher.  What happens when you fill a pitcher to the brim and walk with it?  Yes, of course!  It splashes out all along the way.  That is our duty!  We should be anointed spillers and splashers of the Holy Spirit.  The love of God, the joy of God, the peace of God should fill us to overflowing.

No matter how much of Him you now have, there is infinitely more.  God is without limit.  The only limitation is how much space we reserve for God- if we are full of ourselves and other junk, it caps off the amount of capacity available for Him.  If we run out of our devotional or worship time with our container only partially filled, we will later have a deficit.

Many good intentioned men and women of God are out ministering with a thimbleful of the presence and anointing of God.  No wonder we get burned out and used up.  It is hard- no, impossible!- to give out what you do not possess.

I am not talking about saving faith.  I am talking about abundance in God.  We must desire more of His  presence and all that it entails, in our lives.  No one wants dry religion!  Let us serve up the "Water of the Word."

Dear Lord, I am guilty.  I am often satisfied with way less than you want to give me.  I ask you to fill me and anoint me to pour into others.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Honest Assessment




Gal 6:4-5


Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. 5 Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.



Comparison.  It is pretty much an American past-time.  We look at someone and decide that they are better looking than us...have more money than us, or have a better leadership ability than us.  Or, conversely,  we determine that we are superior in an area.  We are kinder-more generous... more intelligent.  Certainly we make better decisions...


When we compare ourselves favorably with another, we feel superior and look upon them as inferior.  When we compare ourselves unfavorably with others, we become jealous and resentful of them while becoming furious with ourselves.  Enough already!  Do we really need to compare ourselves to others?


I love what this verse says.  It is especially poignant in the Message translation.  We should assess ourselves realistically- our motives, our gifting, our performance. But not so we can be puffed up or bummed out, rather, that we can come up higher in stewardship.  God has given each one of us a "talent", a call, an ability. Within that is our challenge- doing the best we can with the abilities that we have.  As unto the Lord.   It is all about serving Him and blessing Him, rather than promoting ourselves.  


Our life is not a race with only one winner, rather it is an individual,  self-paced  marathon where each of us tries to "beat our own time."  We need to work toward greater personal endurance, faithfulness and quality.  Are you a gifted musician?  Then practice, and pray for the anointing of God on your life.  Are you a great administrator?  Then take leadership classes and sign up to organize a fundraiser at your church.  Have you experienced success in these areas before?  Then assess your performance and identify areas you can improve on!  If we are faithful "in the day of small beginnings" (Zec. 4:10)  God will promote and increase us.  It is not about being superior, but rather about being a servant.



Dear Lord, show me my the areas of my life that I can improve on, and give me wisdom to apply what you show me.  Forgive me for playing judge.  Help me to judge myself honestly and accurately. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Friday, January 24, 2014

Avoiding Recapture



Gal 5:1


5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.



Freedom is  a funny thing.  It is difficult to receive and just as difficult to keep.  If you have ever lost a significant amount of weight through dieting,  or if you have gotten out of debt, you know this to be true.  To  stay free, we have to keep doing the stuff we did to get free.  But once we are free, we like to go back to the old way and begin to live as we did before.  The way that brought bondage to start with.


Jesus paid the price that purchased our freedom.  This act was infinitely expensive for Him.  But it is free for us.  It is a free gift that we receive by simply accepting by faith what He has offered.  So in that regard,  freedom is very simple to receive.  So what is the hard part?


We still live in the world  even after we are free.  The enemy of our soul continues to launch campaigns against us to ensnare us once again.  He vehemently opposes our freedom.  We cannot afford to be ignorant to his devices or  schemes.  We must stand firm.


In addition, there is an internal war of the flesh.  The carnal side of us has to be renewed once we are born again.   Jesus saves us and makes us a new creation.  But there is still a part of us that leans toward an evil tendency.  That part can only be overcome in the Spirit.  We destroy our fleshly desires and tendencies by starving them to death.  This is only done as we renew our minds by spending time in the Bible.  The Bible has power to change us from the inside out.  In addition, as we pray, our Spirit man is strengthened and becomes stronger than our weaknesses.  Don't get me wrong. The Spirit of God is always stronger than evil.  But if we do not give it place in our life,  we stunt our own spiritual  growth.   Finally, we must have teaching and Christian fellowship.  That is where the church comes in.  We become like the culture that we immerse ourselves in.  If we are only spending time in the world, that is what we mimic.  But if instead, we are in the Church, experiencing the power of God firsthand, hearing other people share about the victory they have in Christ, and having positive support, we are given the resources we need to grow and stand in Christ.


It is so important to pray and be made free from your sin.   But after that prayer, we cannot go back to our old way.  We must follow a new path. We must be regenerated God's way.   Standing in your victory takes effort, diligence and intentionality.


A final note- sometimes when people are set free, they begin to feel "invincible", like they cannot be conquered by anything.  During those times Christians can fall into a trap and believe that now that they are no longer addicted, they can have an occasional social drink, a cigarette when they are stressed,  or one more peek at pornography.  It is a lie from the pits of hell! When we go around stuff that has mastered us before, we purposely choose to step outside of God's protective umbrella and open the door to sin and bondage once more.  I have often read that we do not have to be stronger than sin, just smarter.  Smart enough to avoid temptation. Smart enough to put ourselves in spiritual intensive care- massive loading doses of Bible study, prayer and church attendance.  We cannot win this fight on  our own.  God has given us the tools to succeed, but we have to avail ourselves to them.


Dear Lord, thank you for the freedom I have found in Christ.  I am so  grateful for this indescribable gift. Make me  wise, O God, to the enemy's efforts to once again ensnare me.  Help me to stand firm and be unmoved.  Help me to have fruitful time in prayer, Bible study and church attendance.  I acknowledge my dependence on You.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.



Thursday, January 23, 2014

What Are You, Crazy?



Gal 3:3


Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?



Can we be honest, and just "call a spade a spade?"  We like to do things on our own.  There I said it!  We like to do things we think up, in the way that we want to do them.  We do not like to be told what to do. We prefer for it to be our own idea.  And certainly, we like it to be our timing.  We do not enjoy relinquishing the driver's seat of our lives to anyone.  Not even to God.  If we are honest.


Most of us know enough about the Bible that we do not like to admit these truths about ourselves.  But the "proof is in the pudding."  How often do we try it our own way before we ever ask God's help?  I mean, really.  If  we can do it on our own, it never even crosses our mind to ask Him. It is almost like we feel we are bothering God with the small stuff, that He only specializes in things we cannot handle ourselves.


I like the way Paul puts it in this verse, "Are you so foolish?"  (Or as my kids say, "What are you, cray, cray?")  Yep, I am.  I have got a good case of independence  that does not really lend itself to living like a servant of God.  My mother likes to tell, that when I was a baby, I did not have a first word, rather I had a first phrase, "Do it myself."  It is like a broken record to this day. I enjoy playing the game Candy Crush. Recently they have added updates that occasionally cause you to receive random advancements.  Sometimes, as I am trying to earn my way through a quest, it will show up with a message something like this, "The tooth fairy is feeling generous. You have been  passed to the next level."  Then, bam!  I am  locked out of my quest and put into the next level.  Awesome, right?!  Not to Ms. Independence. I do not want to be bumped up, I want to earn my way to the next level.  By myself.


Now that you are smiling at my stupidity, what about you?  What areas are you bullheaded and self-reliant in?  These are places that are not as cute and funny to God, as they are to us.


He alone is our atoning sacrifice.  He alone is Savior.  He alone is Supreme.  Now that we have received Him, by faith, for salvation, why are we now still trying to earn things for ourselves?  Being a strong man (or woman) in God has nothing to do with human effort, and everything to do with His limitless power.  We are strongest, when acknowledging our weakness.  We are most like Him, when we let Him work through us.  Not when we try to make it on our own.  He saved us, because we could not save ourselves.  He released us from a prison that we did not have a key to.  Now that we have become His child, why are we  trying to break free of Him?


From the first time a baby crawls away from us, they continue to exert their independence and willfulness until they are totally independent.  It is a part of the natural growth process and it is good.  In the natural.  In the Spirit, however, we should never be crawling away from our Heavenly Father.  We must lean on Him, and gain our help and strength from Him.


What do you need today?  Healing?  Encouragement?  Financial deliverance?  A restored relationship?  Why are you trying to make it happen on your own?  Did you forget that He is God?  Ask Him into your situation.  He will fix it for you.


Dear Lord, I need you.  I cannot do it on my own.  I am powerless over the things that trouble me.  They are greater than I am, I am defenseless to defeat my enemy...without You.  I invite You into my situations.  Help me to walk in faith for You to be my deliverer, just as I believe You to be my Savior.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Forget You



Phil 2:2-4


then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. 3 Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. 4 Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.



Has there ever been a more self-centered culture than our own?  Every  magazine you pick up in the check-out line has self-focused articles headlining the entire front cover.  "Get What You Want out of Life." "Twenty Easy Steps to a New You."  "How to Get Fulfillment from Your Marriage."  You get the idea.  It is  about ME and how to get what I want, need, desire, and most importantly DESERVE!


The humanistic mindset has swept America, and unfortunately, has crept in the church as well.  Be honest here.  How many times have you gone to church hoping to "get a blessing"?  Hear a word you need?  Receive a word of appreciation for all you do? Get to sing the great new song you have been working on?


If  you are like the average Christian, you can probably admit that it happens pretty often.  Instead, when was the last time you went to church determined to find someone who needs a hug, an encouraging word, a prayer?  How often do you go into a restaurant and "sneak  pay" for someone's meal?  When was the last time you sacrificed money you had saved for something you wanted and met a need of a friend?


These questions  are meant to get us to thinking, not to be condemning.  Being a blessing is not something that just happens.  The best "blessers" I know are intentional givers who seek out opportunities to minister to a need.   After a while, it becomes a lifestyle of giving rather than getting.


Our attitude can be that if you do not "look out for Number One, no one else will."  But is that really the truth?  We have a heavenly Father who looks down  on each one of us, standing ready at any given moment to meet our need, to send a blessing or a word of encouragement our way.  He sees our sacrifices- those done in secret.  And He chooses to reward us openly. I  dare to postulate that if we will make it about Him and meeting the needs of others, He will see to our promotion, fulfillment and deepest needs.  We do not have to struggle to "get" the blessings of God.   He will add them to us effortlessly if we can just grab hold of the concept of being His hands extended in a hurting world.


Dear Lord, I repent of the sin of being self-focused. Help me to be more concerned  with Your Kingdom.  Thank you for being a loving Father and diligent provider.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Redemptive Pain


Phil 1:12


12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel.



Bad stuff happens....  to good people and to bad people.  Life is full of a broad spectrum of emotions, incidents and occasions.  It is a mixture of blessings, trials, triumphs and struggles.  In truth, the trials of life are the greatest common denominator.  No one is immune.  Even the very rich and famous are not exempt from trouble.   If life is abundant in hardship, shouldn't we learn how to meet the troubles in the best way possible?
For the remainder of this devotional, please join  me at "Laced with Grace" where I am spending the day...
See you there!

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Finished Product


Phil 1:3-6


I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, 5 for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;



I just love the way the Apostle Paul writes.  Every remembrance; always in every prayer; for you all- I love the all-encompassing nature of his prayers.  It inspires me to a loftier prayer life.  But verse six is the verse that always inspires me.  Because, to be honest, I  need to be  reminded to remain confident about God's work in my life.


I am a very analytical person.  My psychology classes would say that I am a "self-actualizing" person.  I know every weakness, tendency and pet peeve of mine.  Because of that, I can struggle with feeling a perpetual sense of being a mess.  A hopeless tangle of complex personality traits that fall short of God's  best- that is how I see myself a lot of the time.  But then I am reminded, especially by these verses, that I am no great challenge to God.  He fixes messes like me all of the time.


This verse exhorts me that I can even be confident that God will complete the good work He has begun in me.  I have a bag full of crochet projects began, but left unfinished.  I have several journals purchased and written in faithfully for just a few days, then left undone.  We humans are more starters than finishers.  Not so with God.  If He starts it, you can take it to the bank, He will finish  it.  Our part is to confidently believe.  And to cooperate with the program.


 Dear Lord, here I am.  Mess and all.   Work in me.  Change me.  Create a finished project that brings you glory.   In Jesus' Name.  Amen.