Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Embracing Change


Eccl 3:1
3 To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
I will be straight with you.  I am not a fan of change.  Oh sure,  I am up to trying new restaurants and vacation destinations. I do not mind to try new movies, books or foods.  But when it comes to the rhythms of  my everyday life, I like them to stay fairly predictable.  Comfortable. Safe.  Especially if it is something that I enjoy.  Each year I am  saddened to say goodbye to summer, with its fewer pressures and days of fun.   I dislike the end of  Christmas or the conclusion of  vacation.  While I do celebrate each of my children's milestones, it is hard to close the door on the various stages of development. Can you relate?
But God  has assigned  seasons to our life. In His wisdom and good purpose, He allows there to be  cycles, new beginnings and endings. Each of them have their own charms, difficulties, challenges and joy.  It keeps us sharp to go through changes.  It also keeps us reliant upon God.
In the never  ending changes of  life, we can still enjoy stability, safety and security.  Why?  Because God is always there.  And He never changes.  His heart, character, and purpose are steadfast and immovable. He will always be love.  He will always be just.   He will always  be merciful.  We can count on these unchanging truths.  Whenever we are afraid, His guiding hand and comfort will  rest upon  us.  Because of  that, we do not have to fear.  We can face the future with confidence and expectation.
Each time the Lord  closes the door on a season, He has a good purpose for us.  Our future is always full of hope and promise  because He ordains support and help to meet every challenge.  Hear the voice of the Lord to you today,
Josh 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord  your God is with you wherever you go."
Dear Lord, give me grace for the change that is ahead.  Help me to rest in You and find joy in this stage.  Help me  to make the most of the seasons you give me.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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