Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Monday, January 27, 2014

Honest Assessment




Gal 6:4-5


Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. 5 Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.



Comparison.  It is pretty much an American past-time.  We look at someone and decide that they are better looking than us...have more money than us, or have a better leadership ability than us.  Or, conversely,  we determine that we are superior in an area.  We are kinder-more generous... more intelligent.  Certainly we make better decisions...


When we compare ourselves favorably with another, we feel superior and look upon them as inferior.  When we compare ourselves unfavorably with others, we become jealous and resentful of them while becoming furious with ourselves.  Enough already!  Do we really need to compare ourselves to others?


I love what this verse says.  It is especially poignant in the Message translation.  We should assess ourselves realistically- our motives, our gifting, our performance. But not so we can be puffed up or bummed out, rather, that we can come up higher in stewardship.  God has given each one of us a "talent", a call, an ability. Within that is our challenge- doing the best we can with the abilities that we have.  As unto the Lord.   It is all about serving Him and blessing Him, rather than promoting ourselves.  


Our life is not a race with only one winner, rather it is an individual,  self-paced  marathon where each of us tries to "beat our own time."  We need to work toward greater personal endurance, faithfulness and quality.  Are you a gifted musician?  Then practice, and pray for the anointing of God on your life.  Are you a great administrator?  Then take leadership classes and sign up to organize a fundraiser at your church.  Have you experienced success in these areas before?  Then assess your performance and identify areas you can improve on!  If we are faithful "in the day of small beginnings" (Zec. 4:10)  God will promote and increase us.  It is not about being superior, but rather about being a servant.



Dear Lord, show me my the areas of my life that I can improve on, and give me wisdom to apply what you show me.  Forgive me for playing judge.  Help me to judge myself honestly and accurately. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


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