Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

He Had Compassion





Matt 9:36


36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.



We live in a messed up world. Teens, and middle-aged folks alike, are hooked on drugs.  Singers have taken performances to flat-out pornography.  One of my six-year-old's favorite shows debuted the first Lesbian couple on a child's show this week.  What is the world coming to?  What is God's response to this?  What is our response supposed to be?


If you think the answer is outrage, your response is similar to mine. But perhaps, not that similar to Jesus' response.  When He walked the hills of Jerusalem, when He walked in Galilee, no matter where He walked, He saw hurting people. And He had compassion on them.  He saw them as harassed and helpless. People with no shepherd.  It moved the heart of the Almighty.  And it should move ours as well.


I become angry at the erosion of our society- the depravity that allows former child  stars to flaunt their perversion in America's face.  It disgusts me when people are buying drugs and neglecting their kids; or when teens are drinking and driving.   The sex trafficking industry, child pornography, child abuse... it all is more than I can abide.  But is that God's response?  Look in the Bible.  Jesus saw it first hand?  What was His response?  He was moved with compassion.  He reached out in love. He taught them the right.  Then He opened His arms wide...and died a sacrificial death for their sins.  To give them the hope of salvation if they chose it.  If I chose it.


I know that He is a just God.  He is righteous.  He is holy.  Yes, and amen!  But He is love.  He is able to see their situations and respond in compassion rather than judgment. Why? Because He understands why they are like they are.  He feels pity for the futile nature of their existence.  Do not get me wrong here, people who continue to live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.  Those deeds will be judged if left unrepented.  But for now...while there is still time, let us be moved with the compassion of Jesus.  Compassion to love, but not endorse.  Compassion to reach out, but not condone.  Compassion to pray and not give up. 


Dear Lord, please give me your heart, your eyes, and your attitude for this lost and dying world.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.




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