Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fresh Fire: Reignite the Passion



Rev 2:4-5


4 "But you walked away from your first love — why? What's going on with you, anyway? 5 Do you have any idea how far you've fallen? A Lucifer fall!

"Turn back! Recover your dear early love. No time to waste, for I'm well on my way to removing your light from the golden circle.


Do you remember how it felt when you first came to Christ?  Do you remember how light you felt, how unburdened?  Do you remember the inexplicable joy and passion?  You could not wait for Bible study or prayer.  It was like a new toy. Every worship experience was fresh and thrilling.  Just like  in marriage, you can lose the first glow of your salvation experience.  But in your relationship with Christ, there is no need  for the passion to wane, because there is always more anointing, intimacy and fire to experience.

Sometimes it almost seems easier to reach people who have never tasted and enjoyed the goodness of God than to reach those who have known the truth but have chosen to walk away.  It seems like the guilt is even more because the Holy Spirit has convicted us over and over again, and we have rejected His offer.  God gives a second chance at repentance!  God allows us to return to our first love.

Are you struggling  to feel?    Do you feel dead inside?   God is able to breathe new life over you today.   You do not have to believe your emotions.  God is greater than feelings.  There is a good chance that you are not even aware of what has happened to you to cause you to lose  faith.  To lose hope. To lose courage.  Maybe you have tried to keep plugging on with your spiritual disciplines of Bible study, prayer and worship attendance, but still you feel nothing.   God sees you.  He has a fresh touch for you today.

Another common Christian malady is  that we get discouraged in our faith.  We hold on for days, months and sometimes years, for the Lord to answer a prayer that we have before Him only to have the answer delayed again.  At times we, as Christians, can drop our sword and sit down in a heap.  We refuse to get up and try again.  We buy the lie that says it hurts too much to hope and not receive, so we just give up. 

The only problem with that, is that in God, if we are not going forward, we are most assuredly going backwards.  If we are not advancing, the enemy is able to get in there and knock our  spiritual teeth down our throats.  We cannot afford to quit.  We  are only people.  We are made of dust.  We stumble and we fall.  But that does not mean that we are right.  Nor does it mean we have the right to pout. 

God is Almighty, All seeing, All knowing.  He is supreme and He is Sovereign.  There may well be things we do not understand this side of heaven, but he is still God.  He requires our loyalty, our obedience and our devotion.  We may have to lay our issue at Jesus' feet over and over again.  Whatever it takes, we must get up and keep moving on.

But we are not just to trudge along, plodding through life, doing our time until the glories of heaven.  No, He has made us more than conquerors.  It is His intent that we walk in victory, authority, and yes, joy!  We should be the most passionate people on the earth.  The Holy One is on the inside of us, as children of God.  The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is alive inside of you, child of God!  You should be standing up in your spirit.  If your situation is dead, begin to speak resurrection life into it.  Do what you must to regain your  passion.  God is a consuming fire.  If you are not on fire, you are not truly a living sacrifice!!

Dear Lord, please set me on fire.  I want to be  full of passion and zeal for you.  Refresh me,  restore  me, and fill me once again, I pray.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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