As God made covenants with His people, over and over He
reminded them that if they would follow His laws and obey His Word; His
blessings would rest on them richly as a people. But if they, instead, chose to wander away
from Him, follow other nations and gods- rebelling against God’s laws, He would
allow them to be overtaken by other nations. The blessing of God on the children of Israel was
found in enjoying His protection and rest from oppressors.
The United State of America, a country founded on a desire to
worship God, has the same type of covenant relationship with the Lord. If we honor Him, keep His decrees, and obey
His Word, He will keep us safe from our enemies and protect our land. If we choose to follow after other gods and
forsake Him, He has no requirement to protect and keep us. Just as He did Israel, the people whom He
chose for His name’s sake.
Today we celebrate Independence Day- freedom from England-
freedom to be an independent, self-governing nation. We have a rich heritage indeed of godly men
and women who worked hard to protect our freedom to worship God. A heritage of
brave men and women who fought off our enemies that we might stand united and
free. Today is a day to celebrate our
freedom, our rights, and our blessings as a nation. In so doing, we remember those who valiantly fought
to give us that right- paying the great price that we may enjoy freedom.
Additionally, we must
never forget that ultimately God establishes a nation and God brings it
low. Any success we enjoy is because His
hand has provided it. Focusing on
military strength has merit, but our greatest strength comes from resting in
the hands of the Almighty, covenant-keeping God who blesses those who follow
Him for generations to come! But He also
reserves the right to allow chastening to come to His rebellious children.
Today, before we kick off our celebrations, will you join me
in a time of remembering our spiritual heritage as a nation and praying for its
Thank you, Lord, for the freedom and blessings we enjoy in
America. Thank you for those who laid
down their lives. We do realize that
freedom is not free. We stand not only
in the shed blood of our military who has guarded our nation, but especially in
the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the sacrifice for our sins. We recognize, Oh Lord, that every good and perfect gift comes down
from you our Father. We receive it with
joy and meekness.
Forgive us for
transgressing against Your law and turning aside to follow after idols of self-promotion,
pride, arrogance, fleshly lusts and rebellion.
Help us to humble ourselves once again and remember that it is only in
You that we stand in freedom and covenant blessings. We repent of bloodguilt and rebellion and we
ask that you heal our land. Heal
political, racial and moral divides.
Bring us the blessing of a healed and whole nation. Hear us, Oh God, we pray!
“ if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chron. 7:14
© Sherri Evans Ministries 2018. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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