Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Abducted Lord





Col 3:1-3


If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.


People are funny.  But not in the comical sense- more like odd,  peculiar, or curious.  We give someone a gift,  but we sometimes still feel an ownership over the item, particularly if it is expensive.  We buy our teen a car, but constantly tell them how they need to keep it up.  We give somebody enough money for their power bill and feel we have the right to an opinion when they take a trip six months later.  This should not be!  When we give something away, we are to freely give it.  Given with no strings attached, and no desire to hold on to any control of the item.

And truly, that is how it is with our life.  When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we make an exchange.  We essentially give out life away. We say, "Here I am.  You be the Lord of my life.  You be my King."  When it is done right, it is such a beautiful exchange of polar opposites.  We give Him sin, He gives us righteousness. We give Him a mess,  He creates a masterpiece.  When it is done right.

Unfortunately, many of us do not do it right.  We act instead like we are leasing it to Jesus and retain an "opt out" clause if we do not like the direction He is taking us.   We want to give Him our troubles, but not control.  This passage of Scripture reminds us that when we were born again, we die to the old way of living.  We die to our right to have our own way.  We die to the right to chart our own course.  Our life is  then "hidden with Christ in God."  Wow.  That is one to ponder! 

We should be so "hidden" in Christ, that when people look at us, they just  see  Him.   We should not be playing the "peek-a-boo" Christian, where now you see me and now you don't.  This minute I am spiritual, this moment, I am carnal.  Right now Jesus is behind the wheel, but later I have Him tied up and placed Him in the trunk of my car!

Jesus does not only want to be Lord of our lives, He requires it.  Further, we should recognize that he deserves it!  Who do we think we are to use God like a "sugar daddy" that we go to for what we want, but never consider how He wants us to live?  We do not have that right!

Are you fighting with the Lord over a call or direction you sense He has for you?  Are you giving Him your whole life, or just part you don't want?


Dear Lord, thank you for accepting me as Your child.  Please help me to remember that my life is Yours.  Forgive me for giving myself to you, and then taking it back- or wrestling with you for control over my life.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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