Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hoping to Get Someone to Fall for You?

“When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh, when my enemies and my foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.” Psalm 27:2


Evil men come in all shapes and sizes- and sexes as well.  The Lord has a way of using difficult people to refine us, to test our character and to show his handiwork in our lives.  I have found that as I progress through life, I meet these evil men in all spheres of my life- on the job; in the family; in the grocery store, in the church; at the ball field;  and yes, sometimes, in the mirror!

So, given that there is an epidemic of evil, hateful, mean or difficult people, what is a girl (or guy) to do?  In this passage, the Psalmist had the quiet confidence of knowing that the Lord would fight for him.  The Lord often works behind the scenes to defeat our enemy.  He can set spiritual ambushments against our enemies and cause them to turn on each other and defeat each other without us having to lift a finger to fight.

If we are endeavoring to walk upright before the Lord, following His Word and not sinning against our conscience, we can have confidence when we face attack.  Just imagine, if you will, your enemy tripping all over himself, unable to even advance against you.  We may never see it in the natural, but it doesn’t make it any less real.

Our average enemy is not holding a machine gun or hatchet, rather he or she is wielding a lying tongue or a vengeful spirit.  Or perhaps they are trying to weasel themselves into your job, or into your marriage.  Whatever the situation, we must recall that the flesh and blood people we see are never truly our enemy.  The devil is our enemy, but he uses other individuals to get to us.  As children of God, we must always remember that the person opposing us is also another human being, created in the image of God for his glory.  They have a soul and therefore, have inherent worth.  When we beseech the Lord to deal with our enemies, we must always recognize that he will be as merciful to them as he is to us. But never fear!  God is able to protect you and deal with them.  In fact, the more we hold to his ways, the more he fights on our behalf.  The battle is not yours.  The battle is the Lord’s!

Dear Lord, thank you for fighting for me.  Thank you that you cause me to triumph over my enemies and come away from their attacks unscathed.  Help me keep my heart pure. In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.




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