There are
times that when God convicts my heart, and there are times when my own heart
condemns me. So what is the
difference? Condemnation occurs when we
feel judged or "damned" by God.
Usually for a Christian, condemnation is a lie from the enemy. God
convicts the heart of the Christian for restorative purposes- so that they can
be made willing to repent and be set right with God. Satan, our enemy, accuses us and makes us feel
unworthy of God's mercy and forgiveness.
Satan works to make us feel horrible about our situation and to leave us
feeling that we are outside of God's mercy and grace. Convictions causes us to be aware of our sin,
while simultaneously feeling drawn toward God for forgiveness.
If our
heart is in disrest, and we feel condemned within, we must always examine
ourselves to see if we are indeed in sin.
If we are, we must quickly repent and turn away from our sin, confessing
it to the Lord. If we are not, then, we
can be sure that the allegations are from the enemy of our soul and are only
for the purpose of torment. Those we
must take captive unto the obedience of the Word of God. When the enemy tells us we are unworthy,
unloved and rejected by God, we must remind him that our sins have been cast
into God's sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered against us again. When he says we are unloved, we can remind
the enemy of John 3:16. The greatest
defense against condemnation is the "sword of the Spirit" or the Word
of God.
God knows
everything about us and our hearts- hat we do. The twisted reasons for why we do them. He understands the hurts that have scarred us
and the weaknesses we face. We can trust
our hearts to him, knowing that he understands more than anyone else. We can trust that he convicts and disciplines
us only for the purpose of making us right with him. His purpose and actions are always in keeping
with helping us improve and grow in our relationship with him.
Are there
feelings that you are struggling with?
Ask the Lord to show you if you are feeling convicted by the Holy Spirit
or if the devil is condemning you. Commit
your way to God. He will help you.
Lord, show me the difference between conviction and condemnation. Help me to learn to know your voice and
follow in your way. Forgive me for
taking your place as Judge. In Jesus'
Name. Amen.
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