We are always concerned about the friends our
children choose. Why? Because spending time with the right kind of
people encourages us to improve ourselves; whereas, spending time with the
wrong kind of people will cause us to lower our standards. The Bible says, "Bad company corrupts
good morals." (I. Cor. 15:33) This
is so true in so many different ways. If
I spend a lot of time with someone, I find myself inadvertently adopting their
manner of speech. We develop inside
jokes and shared figures of speech. If they are the kind that are sunny and
positive, I find myself feeling more positive.
If they are melancholy and depressed, I find my mood sinking as
well. Ever been there? Which kind of
influence are you?
We have to choose with care those with whom we
associate most closely. Like Jesus, we
are to reach out to the lost in the world.
But we see Jesus withholding more intimate friendship for his disciples, whom he walked with day after
day. In addition to that, he had Peter,
James and John as a little bit closer companions to whom he revealed more of
himself. They saw healings and the transfiguration,
whereas, others did not. Why did he
chose these three? I am not sure. Perhaps it was their zeal, devotion or level
of love. Either way, we know it was not
because they were perfect- Jesus even told Peter to "Get thee behind me
Satan," at one point when he was speaking against the will of God.
It is good to have confidantes in whom we confide
our deepest fears, concerns and dreams.
But we must be careful whom we choose, because they have the power to
aid us in our journey or hamper our progress.
There have been times in my life when I have shared my vision with
people who did nothing more but "nay say" and discourage me. Guard closely the things that are most
precious to you. Use discretion with the
people you allow (especially) to speak into your life.
I have been blessed with several close Christian
friends who are honest with me. They
will hear me and love me- but not be afraid to point me back to truth. I do not always appreciate their candor at
the time, but in my heart of hearts, I want to do God's will and do appreciate
someone who is trying to help me, even if the helping hurts. "Wounds from a friend can be trusted,
but an enemy multiplies kisses."
(Prov. 27:6) In other words,
better for true friends to love us enough to hurt us with the truth, than to have
an "enemy" help us with lies and flattery.
Recently I was going through a particularly
difficult spiritual and emotional battle.
I confided my hurts to a trusted
prayer partner who listened, empathized, then begin to instruct me with the Word. I jokingly told her to hush before I spit on
her! We both laughed-and still do- but I
knew the truth then. God was speaking to
me through her advice. Instruction
sometimes encourages, but it sometimes rebukes.
Don not let anyone lead you astray! If you do not have quality Christian friends
who help you along in your walk with God, begin to pray and ask God to bring
you some. And always, always, line up people's advise against the Word of
God. The Bible has to be the bottom line
in our decision-making!
Lord, thank you for Godly friends who
speak into my life words of encouragement and rebuke. Help me to be the kind of friend you desire
me to be. Grant me discernment to know when I am being told the truth or
lies. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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