You have
been there. You are turning off an
interstate- or into Wal-Mart, and there
sits someone with a sign, "Hungry.
God Bless." What is your
immediate response? Is it compassion or
irritation? I have been guilty of
both! There are times that my response
is a discompassionate, "For pity sake's get a job!" Other times, I feel like the Lord would have
me meet their need.
It is good
to use wisdom and prudence in choosing where we show generosity and sow seeds
of blessing. In fact, our very safety could be in jeopardy in these situations. But we need to guard against clumping
everyone together as "good for nothing" and closing up our heart of
compassion. If we have adequate or
greater resources, it is a gift from God.
If we truly see ourselves as stewards of the resources God has given us,
it should not surprise us when he calls upon us to disseminate his resources to
those in need.
God is a
compassionate and gracious God. It hurts
him when people are lacking, hungry, cold and down and out. Because he resides in us, we should share in
the heart and emotions of God. If you
check yourself and find that you frequently feel unmoved by others' plights,
begin to cry out to God to stir up the love on the inside of you.
Lord, help me to share in your feelings and emotions. Let me see the needs of the world through your eyes. Help me, Lord, to hear you and be led by you
in instances when I am confronted with possible need. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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