We all like to be acknowledged. Have you ever been in the position that someone who knew you pretended that they did not know you? It is very painful to be overlooked by someone. At one point in my life, I had someone who was very close to me, look right through me. And then they left the place pretending that they had never seen me there. It was crazy! That was the most hurt and rejected I have probably every felt in my life. To be publicly ignored by one of the most important people in my life was devastating.
I wonder if the Lord sometime feels that way about us. There are times that we are not as quick to acknowledge him as we are at other times. There have been situations in my younger years, when I wanted to blend in with my friends and so I would leave the Lord unacknowledged. Perhaps I would choose not to pray over my meal because no one else prayed. Other times I have heard people making fun of Christians, but I have not always interrupted them and acknowledged that I belonged to him. I wish I had those moments back! I love the Lord so much. The idea of me ever failing to give him the place in my life that he deserves, hurts me to even think about.
We have to acknowledge the Lord if we are truly born again. We have to know him, who he is, what his character and heart are all about. We have to know him as Savior, Lord, the Son of God and the Son of Man. We have to know him as the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah. And after knowing him, we must choose to align ourselves with him.
We cannot deny the one who saved us! If he is living on the inside of you, you have to give him the place and honor that he deserves. This acknowledgement is proof that your relationship with God is right.
As a girl who was infatuated, it was very exciting when this very cute guy (now my husband) noticed me. It was even more thrilling when he asked me out on a date. But, when the day came that he asked me to be his girlfriend, and later his wife, I felt so ecstatic! Being acknowledged as someone he loved and wanted to spend his life with, was very affirming to me.
Jesus is the Lover of my Soul. It is my duty, my joy and delight, to acknowledge him before men! He is he Son of God, to fail to acknowledge that, is to fail to know him at all!
Dear Lord, help me to acknowledge you in all that I say and do. Help my life honor you and my love for you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Thanks for this, Sherri!! I really enjoyed this post!!