I love my children! They are my life. If you want me to like you, then love my children. If you want to make an enemy of me, mistreat one of them. Do you feel the same way? We parents have that protective instinct that causes us to guard our children against all threats, whether real or perceived.
In today's verse is a similar comparison. If you love God, you must love his child. That may seem like a minor point. But in truth, it is the most important point of all. Jesus is the way that the Father has provided for salvation. Many religions believe in God, but they vary on the way to be in right relationship with God. This verse is one of the ones that makes it clear that the two are a package-deal. You cannot separate the Father from the Son. Neither can you separate the Holy Spirit from the other two. They are all One. The Trinity of the Godhead is a mystery that we accept by faith.
If we believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One, then we are born of God. If we minimize his importance to that of only a great teacher or prophet, we miss the mark. It was the Father's good will that Jesus be his Sent One, the One who would purchase salvation and bring reconciliation through his sacrificial death on the cross.
As Christians, these are important truths we can never waver on. Further, these truths must be proclaimed, that we may win others to Christ. It is good to be tolerant and respectful of other people's opinions, but not to the point that we submerge truth. Jesus is the way. He is the mediator. He is God and he was man. He and the Father are one, and in him we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Today, take time to marvel on the beauty of the Godhead, the absolute unity in purpose, character and action. Reflect and rejoice!
Thank you Father, for the gift of your precious Son. Thank you for loving me that much. Let me life be a daily affirmation of my love for you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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