Have you ever been attracted to someone who did not know that you were alive? Do you remember watching him/her, looking for ways to get their notice? When we are infatuated with someone, we look for ways to be near them. We get interested in what they are interested in. We try to go to places we think we might run into them. We improve our appearance, get a new haircut or a new outfit, all in the name of love. It is so rewarding when we realize that they return our feelings. And so disheartening when we find out that they don't.
I wonder how long the Lord had his eye on you before you returned His affection? Perhaps you are still flirting with Him, but not sure you want to make a commitment. No matter when you realized that you loved the Lord, He loved you first. He has had a loving eye on you since you were a tiny speck in your mother's womb. He has watched every triumph and every failure. He has cheered you to success and cried over your failures. Even if you did not realize that He was there. When we decide to love Him, it is only because He has wooed us, that we noticed Him. It is because He pursues us and watches for opportunities to make His presence known, that we know He is there. We love Him, because He first loved us. The invention of love what His idea, coming from His character to you. And me.
In my early work years, I worked for Children & Families. I noticed the saddest thing. Some of the foster children were placed in loving homes, with doting parents who dearly wanted them. They were showered with gifts, affection and expensive clothing. Yet some of them still pined after their "good for nothing" parents. The ones who sexually abused them, exploited them and raped them. They longed to be reunited with the ones who drank up the grocery money and forgot to feed them. What a slap in the face of those who were trying so much to make a home for them! How about you? Are you denying the Lord in favor of a cheap substitute? Are you chasing an abuser rather than receiving the love of One who has loved you from the start?
Thank you, Lord, for loving me first. Thank you for loving me despite my filth and sin. Help me to return Your love in a way that brings joy to Your heart. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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