"Everything is permissible- but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible- but not everything is constructive."
I Cor. 10:23 (NIV)
The age old dance between legalism and license is an
interesting, and challenging, balancing act.
In Christ I am free. But I am not
free to do whatever my flesh desires. I
am free, but not free to re-enter bondage.
I am set free to choose to follow Him.
Some Christians are hung up on a lot of rule-making and
following. Don't go here. Don't wear that. Don't say this. Whereas, other Christians seem to have
virtually no convictions at all. Smoking, drinking, partying, cussing and extra-marital flirting. Surely, surely there is a middle ground.
The grace of God frees us from a law whose weight we are not
able to uphold. But it never freed us to live sloppily and in a worldly
way. What benefit do you, or others, receive from your freedom? Our
freedom means that we live Godly lifestyles because our love for him inspires
obedience to His Word. His grace grants us the ability to say "no"
to our fleshly, carnal desire; and
emboldens us to say "yes" to self-control, obedience and holiness.
I have been around
both types of Christians, and occasionally have acted like either
side. Finding the balance will be a
lifelong endeavor for all of us. We have
to find a way to be the Church in the world.
We must be different and set
apart. And yet, we must be relevant and
relatable. Would sinners find you so
holy that you are unapproachable? Or do
they see you as someone who does not challenge them at all?
I was recently in a women's conference, where the speaker
was sharing about riding on an airplane with a fellow lady preacher. She stated
that the stewardess came up to her and asked her, "Who is that lady you are with? I used to follow God, but I have walked
away. Her presence convicts me." They
went on to lead that lady back to the Lord.
I have thought about that many
times since I heard it. Does my presence
convict others of sin? Does it inspire
them to want to come to me and ask me the reason for my hope? Or instead, do I fit in without making any
impact whatsoever? Or worse, is my
testimony a repellent? I urge you,
today, to ask yourself these hard questions.
Dear Lord, forgive me for failing to have enough of your
presence in my life, that others are
convicted of their sin. Help me to be
salt and light. Help me to offer
something the world desires. In Jesus'
Name. Amen.
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