Matt 6:11

11 Give us this day our
daily bread.
Today I was thinking about my financial state and
plotting a strategy for Christmas. My
initial thought was panic, it is a month away, how am I going to pull this off
debt-free?! Then my mind took me back to
last Christmas when I had this same concern.
And then I had an epiphany. God
provided last year and He will this year as well.
So many times, I notice the huge break-throughs that God
sends my way; but then I overlook the small day-to-day miracles. I think that is why this verse reminds us to
look to Him for each day's sustenance
and provision. We do not need to see how it will all come together, we just
need to trust Him for this day. He is a
God of big miracles, little miracles and
medium-sized miracles. There are situations that I never do identify what He
did to get me through, This happens a
lot with money- but all of a sudden I will realize, "Wait a minute! When did that problem go away?" And sure enough, at some point when I did not notice, He had altered my
As a wife and
mother, I will often do little things that I think will bless my family. I buy their favorite cereal, do a chore that
is typically theirs, take care of a need before they ask, etc. I do it because I love them and want to see
them smile. Then I find myself hovering
near, wondering when it is going to hit them that I did something for
them. I live in a houseful of guys so even if they notice, saying something
about it is not the norm. But I imagine
the Heavenly Father doing things like that for us, just waiting for us to
recognize His handiwork! I am prayerfully endeavoring to notice His
blessings in my life.
As I am trying to remain in a season of
thankfulness, I am more keenly aware of all the ways, both large and small,
that He meets my needs. Can you think of three things that was a
concern a year ago but is a non-issue now?
That's God in your life!
Lord, thank you for faithfully and quietly meeting my every need from day to
day. Forgive me for the times that I
fail to notice Your marvelous works. In
Jesus' Name. Amen.
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