Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Don't Be Afraid, Just Believe




Luke 8:49-50


While Jesus was still speaking, someone came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue ruler. "Your daughter is dead," he said. "Don't bother the teacher any more."

50 Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, "Don't be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed."


You have been there, just as I have.    Life has dealt you pain, grief, sickness or discouragement.  Gathering your courage, you begin to seek the Lord for a breakthrough.  When all of a sudden... the situation gets even worse!


In the passage today, Jesus was on His  way to heal Jairus's daughter when He is diverted by a woman with an issue of blood.  She boldly approaches Jesus and grabs hold of his garment- and His power.  Instantly she is healed.  And Jesus is arrested. "Who touched me?" He demanded to know.  Then He begins a dialogue with the healed lady.  All to the detriment of Jairus' daughter.  While He stands there, taking care of the needs of this lady, Jairus' daughter died.


Jairus was there first.  He already had Jesus' attention.  Jesus had agreed to go to his home with him.  It appeared the miracle was on its way!  And then, there was a delay.  And the situation went from bad to worse.  What do you do when life seems to be a progression of bad reports?  Broken dreams?  Infirmity?


I love Jesus.  O, how I love Him!  But this passage makes me love Him even more.  How heroic that He can be in the middle of a miracle for one person, and recognize the discouragement in another.  He turns immediately and encourages Jairus' faith, "Don't be afraid, just believe..."


Sometimes  as we stand praying, in the very presence of Jesus, our life can take a sharp downward turn.  It is hard to wrap our minds around it.  It  is hard to understand why He allows things, especially things that we are praying about already.  It is hurtful when it appears He is answering everyone  else's prayers, but our own.  It is hard to be in need and see another rejoicing.  But it is what God expects of us.


Jairus' situation was dire indeed.  Hopeless, in fact.  But that is never the end of the story with God.  What are you facing today?  "Don't be afraid, just believe."  Don't be afraid, just believe...


No situation taxes the power of God.  He  strength and ability is without limit.  When you are in a battle, believe.  When the warfare increases, believe.  When your dream has died, believe!  Jesus cares about you and your situation.  He has not forgotten.  He will come through for you.  He will take care of you, either with a miracle, or with an infusion of grace.   Squelch your fear.  Do not speak your doubt.  Choose instead to summon the strength one more time to believe.


Jairus' believed and received his daughter back from the dead.  God is watching over the situations that concerns you and is speaking life into them.  All is not lost, child of God, just believe.



Dear Lord, help me to not be paralyzed by fear and discouragement.  Increase my faith.  Embolden me to believe as I wait to see your miraculous works on my behalf.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.

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