Heb. 10:19
brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of
Because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we
may enter confidently into the Most Holy Place.
The word confidence here is translated Parresia and means fearlessness; boldness; good courage or holy
courage. When you bow your head to pray,
you can enter into the Holy of Holies, right there as you scrub a toilet; right
there as you mow the yard, right there on the job. The veil is rent! How can we neglect so great a privilege as to
be in the Presence of Almighty God! We
have the right to boldly approach the throne of grace to find help in our time
of need.
Even though I stumble, even though I fall, I can
boldly come before Him, into His very presence.
Just as a king would have to extend the scepter for someone to come into
his presence, or else they would die, Jesus has extended the scepter. If you get angry and throw a fit, you still
can have confidence. If you neglect your
Bible study, you can still have confidence to approach Him. Why?
Because we come to Him through this new and living way, not in our own
We should always endeavor to lead a holy life. But our right to enter this Most Holy place
was purchased with the faultless blood of Jesus and we will never earn the
right to enter. He paid the price. Totally.
It is not His blood plus my
tithe. It is not His blood plus the
number of people I witness to. It is not
His blood plus the number of times I have kept the peace in a
relationship. It is ONLY through His
When we accept Christ as our Savior, we accept the
privilege to enter the gate this one way.
Through Him we come. He is the
one that credits us as righteous. He is
the one that keeps us in Him. Because He
is not man that He could lie; because He cannot do anything but be true to His
Word, His covenant, and His character, we can have confidence. This is a no fail situation. Because of this, I can have confidence to
approach Him when I have botched it up.
Because of this I can have confidence to approach Him when I am afraid,
when I am tired, and even when my faith is low.
Because I am thoroughly convinced of the completeness of His work on the
cross, I came come to Him with confidence.
Dear Lord, help me to accept the truth of the
confidence available to me through your finished work on the cross. Help me remember it is all about you and
never about me. Help me to renew my
mind to accept this privilege on Your
merit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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