Philippians 1:27
“Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner
worthy of the gospel of Christ.”
This is a sobering passage of Scripture. Why?
Because the truth is we are not capable of being worthy of the
gospel. We are none righteous in our own
strength. But praise God! When we come to Christ for salvation He makes
us worthy. He credits us as righteous. The Father looks at us and sees Jesus.

That is the interesting two-sided coin of
sanctification-1) He counts us as righteous; 2) We must learn to walk and live righteously. We should be closer to godliness and holiness
than when we first began to follow Christ.
As believers, we are ambassadors and
representatives of Christ. What we do in
life from then on reflects either positively or negatively back to the
Lord. Our approach to life can make the
gospel more appealing to non-believers; or conversely, we can make it repulsive
to others. That is a heavy duty. One that we must consider several times throughout
each day.
Stuff will happen in life. Bad stuff. Anger provoking stuff.
Temptation. But at that moment we have
to choose our conduct. The Holy Spirit
is on the inside of us advising us “Don’t say that.” “Don’t do that.” Our flesh is saying “Give them a piece of
your mind.” “Teach them a thing or two.” The battle is on! And it all happens in the
privacy of our own minds. Truthfully,
the only public part of this happens when we choose a side- flesh or righteousness-
then by our conduct, we exhibit the fruit of our choice.
The Bible is clear that when we receive Jesus as
Savior we are making a divine exchange.
We are giving ourselves away; signing over the papers of our life to
Him. We then trust him to be our sacrifice
for sin, and our Master and King for life.
“You are not your own. You were
bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” ( I Corinthians 6:19b-20)
The Word from the Lord to each one of us today is
to live like he told you. Act as he
directs you. No matter what happens,
where you go or what you do remember Whose you are. And be representing!
Lord, help me today to hide your Word in my heart
that I will know the right road to take.
Help me to bring the flesh under subjection to You and to follow after your
ways. Help me conduct myself in a manner
worthy of You and the sacrifice You made for me. Help me to further Your Kingdom and to not
cause others to stumble by what I say and do.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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