II Corinthians 10:12
“We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves
with some who commend themselves. When
they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves,
they are not wise.”
With what do you compare your actions or the actions of others?
Do you find yourself
frequently saying “if that were me, I would…”?
As humans, we have a tendency see the world through our own filter. We gauge
our actions by our intentions and the rest of the world by what we would do in
the same situation..

Many of us, if we were willing to admit it, feel a
little smug when we compare ourselves to others. We see people dressing in a
certain way; going to certain places; and saying certain words. We think “I would never do that.” After that comparison, we stand a little
taller, knowing that we are stacking up next to our peers.
Other times, we compete against ourselves, trying
to outperform our personal best. We try
to live up to a certain quality. We see
the world only through our own experiences.
As Joyce Meyer is known to say, “We look at ourselves through rose
colored glasses, but at others through a magnifying glass.”

Today, accept the challenge in this Scripture to not behave as the unwise, comparing yourself with measurements you choose. Instead, reflect on the Word of God and Jesus’ example. Then you will know your true quality.
Lord, without your help we do not have the capacity to do anything good. Please help us to aim higher, trying to please you rather than ourselves. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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