Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Peaceful Mind

8“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. 9 …And the God of peace will be with you.”  Philippians 4:8; 9b

Do you ever struggle with doubts and fears?  Do you ever stress over the “what if’s” in life?  Do you ever feel you give a situation over to God only to have the weight of it return to your mind just a few moments later?

The human mind is a complex arena of intentional thought; irrational fear; racing scenarios and nagging anxieties.  Often we do not choose our thoughts, but rather, it seems the mind has a mind of its own.

In today’s text Paul offers practical, real life advice about combating the peace-stealers in life.  He urges us to first think upon the true.  How many times have we worried over things that did not turn out to be what we feared?  At other times our mind is occupied with something the Bible calls vain imaginings- things we are paranoid about.  Perceived rejections and slights often cause us days of anguish.

But not only is it vital to think what is true in the negative sense (avoiding wrong thinking); but we also should choose to think purposely about true things.  God’s Word particularly.  When you are going through hard times, remind yourself of the truth that “…in all things God works for the good of those who love him..” (Romans 8:28). Or “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.” (Psalms 37:25.  Or “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13) Dwelling upon these truths and any others that apply to your particular situation will revolutionize your perspective and levels of joy and peace.

Next we are admonished to think on the noble, the right, the pure, the lovely, and the admirable.  This is where intention enters the picture.  When negative thoughts come, we choose to replace these thoughts with positive, life-giving and encouraging thoughts.  This is not mind over matter or some new age principle.  This is about bringing the mind under the Spirit’s control.  We can choose to concentrate on past blessings; the beauty of God’s creation; the joy of a child with a balloon…  We can notice someone’s nice hair-do, their integrity, their helpfulness.  These are things we can choose to focus on rather than the negative- our perceived lack; the stack of bills; the mess our preschooler is making.  a co-workers slowness to get things done, or their annoying mannerisms.

It is true that if we start noticing and focusing on the negative side of things, before long, the good is lost on us.  We have to choose to have the mind of Christ if we want to keep his peace in our hearts at all times.

Running the scenarios of what may go wrong in a given situation does not allow for the supernatural intervention of God.  Focusing on each other’s weaknesses is not in keeping with God’s love.

Like any habit, the more we choose right thoughts and positive outlooks, the more we develop the tendency to think in these ways.  We can actually make the positive our default setting, rather than the negative.  All of this occurs as we read, study and mediate on the Word of God.  Then He renews and transforms our mind.  The mind of the Spirit of God becomes our go-to setting.

If you are lacking in peace today, commit the things that trouble you to the Lord.  Hand them over to his safekeeping and then begin to concentrate on past blessings.  Concentrate on the character of God and his track record of faithfulness.  Your problems really can be solved without your perpetually mulling on the issue.

Dear Lord, help me today to think about the paths my mind takes and choose to redirect it to the truth of your Word.  Please bring passages of scripture to my mind, giving me direction as I need it.  Help me to find your peace today and abide in it.  In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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