Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Standing by Your Word

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”  John 1:1


The Word of God has always been.  The Word of God will always be.  Before any human existed there was the Word.  Before the doubters and critics were ever born, the Word was.  I know this may seem simplistic, but think about it for a minute.  Whether or not the Word is banned from school, banned from government and banned from community life, the Word will continue to be.  The enemy will never destroy or obliterate the Word of God.  One day when life is over, The Word, will stand in judgment against anyone who chose to not heed its contents.

Jesus is the embodiment of the Word of God.  If we are to know Him, we must study His Word, which is contained within the Bible.  As the world despises the Word, the world despises the Word in us.  But we cannot be moved from its truths.  The Bible is our solid foundation in which we can stand and not be moved.  To do away with the sacredness of the Word of God is to completely do away with absolute truth.  Without acknowledging the absolute truth of the Word we open ourselves up to making everything a relative judgment call based on our wants, preferences, opinions or feelings at any given time.  This type of thinking leads to apostasy (a defection or falling away from God).

The Word cannot be separated from God.  The enemy of our soul seeks to keep us from time in the Word because he knows the benefits and strength a Christian gains from the Word.  In other places in the world, the Word is still a costly gospel.  Bibles are still banned from some countries and must be smuggled in at the risk of imprisonment and death. My question is, what are we doing with the four we own which are collecting dust?

Dear Lord, restore to me a deep and fervent love for your Word.  Help me to have a hunger for Your truth and help me to allow the Word to take root in my life and bring forth fruit.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


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