“You do not delight in sacrifice, or I
would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of
God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not
Psalm 51:16-17
To be honest, these words are one of
those passages that I read and my mind says “Huh?” When David penned these words, they were
still under the Old Covenant. Jesus had
not yet come, bringing in the New Covenant.
So sacrifices and burned offerings were still very much the order of the
day when David wrote this. As a younger
child I wondered why God required things that did not bring him pleasure.
I feel now that David was operating through
the revelation of the Holy Spirit. He
probably did not understand why these things did not bring God pleasure. But under the New Covenant we can clearly see
what David was speaking of. God desired
to have open communion with His people, just as he had done when he communed in
the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. He
did not take pleasure in the burned offerings, but they were necessary until
the fullness could come under the New Covenant.
Once Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice once and for all, we can now
pretty much enjoy the same type of relationship Adam and Eve did. We can freely
pray to God, talk to Him, and enjoy His presence. We do not need to run out a kill a
sacrificial lamb.
But the part of this that particularly
speaks to us today is verse 17. The
sacrifice that He really, really wants, is your broken spirit. Your broken and contrite heart. These are the things He can take pleasure
in. These are the things he will not
What exactly is a broken and contrite
spirit and heart? It is one that recognizes a need for God. It is a person who
knows they cannot do it on their own without Him. This is a person in sorrowful repentance for
their sins. One who has poured
themselves out freely before God.
Because the Bible is clear that in our weakness, he is made strong. (II Cor. 12:9)
What do I have to give to God? Really, nothing. But at the same time, everything. I have nothing of consequence to bring to the
one who has done so much for me. But
everything that I am, I bring back to Him in surrender. “Take me I’m Yours.” This is a sacrifice that pleases the Father
because all he has every really wanted is the heart of mankind. The devotion of mankind. When we are most broken, we are most useful
to him and in the best place to give to Him and receive from Him.
If you are feeling broken today, give
that brokenness to Him. People who have
walked with the Lord for a long time will admit that in their seasons of
brokenness, is when they have most enjoyed the presence and comforting power of
the Holy Spirit.
Dear Lord, I come before you, bringing
all that I have, all that I am. Take me
and do what you will in my life. Rid me
of all that is evil and all that defiles.
Make me a dwelling in which your Spirit can reside. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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