Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Monday, November 26, 2012

Left With a Peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:27


Someone’s last words are considered precious to their loved ones. If a person is in a situation to know that they are dying, often they have weeks or months in which to set their house in order, mend their fences and leave final instructions.  These instructions go on to become cherished memories to those who are left behind.

In this passage, Jesus was foretelling his disciples about a time when he would go away.  But he promised them that he would not leave them without help but would send the Counselor, or the Holy Spirit to be with them.

Just as a dying person has a right to specify a will and distribute his possessions to his family, Jesus was leaving them an inheritance of sorts.  He was offering them His peace. 

What is Jesus peace?  It is the quiet assurance of the faithfulness of God.  It is a trust that allows you sleep when your boat is being tossed in a nasty storm.  It is a keeping and sustaining power that allowed him to follow God in obedience all the way to the cross. His peace he gave us.  Not as the world gives.  What is world peace?  Obviously, the world has seldom known peace, or absence of war.  But it means other things as well.  A person using a substance may temporarily have their pain dulled and experience an artificial hopefulness.  Love relationships, even wrong ones, can offer temporary stability, feelings of love and acceptance.  A hefty bank account, seniority on the job and a rich Daddy can offer a person a measure of peace.  But the peace that the world gives is based on something temporal- something bound to perish, decay and fade.

Jesus gives the kind of peace that assures us that although we do not know what tomorrow holds, we know the One who does and trust that he will be with us there.  He will always work things for our good and fight on our behalf.  Peace is all of these things and so much more.  Peace is an intangible, indescribable experience.  It is a quiet calm.  A settledness and soothing of the inner man.  The peace of God leads and guides us and assures us we will get through it.

If you are struggling today with life’s issues, ask the Lord to reveal his peace to you.  He has already bequeathed it to you if you are a born again child of God.  If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, he desires to free you from your sin, be Lord of your life and grant you this peace that we are talking about.  Won’t you let him in today?

Dear Lord, bless those who read this.  Multiply peace to their hearts, settle their minds and grant them rest from their worries.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


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