Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Friday, December 14, 2012

Why Can’t I Just Have What I Want?

“You want something but don’t get it.  You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want.  You quarrel and fight.  You do not have, because you do not ask God.”  James 4:2


No, I have not eavesdropped on your budget discussion with your mate- this is the Word of God!  It’s true.  We want stuff, but we don’t get it.  We are jealous of those who have it.  We pout and fight.  But the bottom line is that we do not have, because it never crosses our mind to ask God to provide it for us.

So much of what we want, we plan, scheme, manipulate and coerce to make it happen.  We sulk, quit talking to the person denying us and determine that we deserve it.  But none of that works in the long run, and certainly it does not work out God’s righteousness in our lives.

Asking God is a two-edged sword.  First, is the obvious:  we want something so we ask Daddy.  He loves his children and desires to give us the desires of our heart.  If we ask him, trust and wait on him, there is much good to come to us.  The second side of this sword is that as we bring our requests before God in prayer, he has a way of changing our hearts so that we want what he wants.  If we truly walk with the Lord, allowing him to rule and reign, we will want his will.  Then he will have no problems granting us what we ask of him.

A lot of what I want from God, I just assume he knows and will provide me with it.  I make the sin of omission, by forgetting that he desires to have me to “ask, seek, and knock.”

What is it you want from God?  Go ahead!  Ask him!  But do it with your heart and ears open to hear his reply.

Dear Lord, I need health, provision and direction for me and my family.  You know the areas I am referring to- please bring it to pass, in Jesus’ Name.


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