Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Can I Get a Witness?

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched- this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.”  I John 1:1


Do you, as a Christian, feel like an effective witness?  Do you feel like you know enough about the Bible to talk to others about it?  Many of us feel under-qualified to be a witness. We feel like others are more eloquent, know the important parts to mention and can quote the entire Bible by heart.  Thus, we sit on the sidelines of life and live a mute witness.

But look at this passage of Scripture!  It can revolutionize the way you approach being a witness for Christ.  Here the apostle John lays out the basics of what they proclaim concerning Christ.  1) That which was from the beginning; 2) the things they had heard; 3) the things they had seen;  and  4) the things that they had touched.  This sounds like a firsthand account to me.  The things which were from the beginning has a lot to do with knowing the Bible and what the Word said about the coming of Messiah.  It is important that we study the Scripture, know how it fits together and apply it to our life.  Once we begin to walk with the Lord, the foundation of the Word has to be given priority in life.

But the rest of the things John identified appear to be things that the disciples experienced together during their time with the Lord.  They were able to tell his teachings- they had learned them at his feet.  They were able to talk about healing- they had witnessed countless miracles.  They were able to tell how they touched him and interacted with him after his resurrection. They just told what they had experienced.

A convert of only ten minutes has a testimony to share.  We can all share what Christ did for us.  How he saved us.  What he saved us from.  We can testify to his love, his goodness, his desire to be reconciled to all mankind.  People love a good story.  They love personal accounts and real-life adventures.  Your job is just to open your mouth and declare it.

The last part of this verse says, ”This we proclaim concerning the Word of life.”  We have to remember that we know the secret to life.  Many people out there are desperate, hopeless, and suicidal.  They see no reason to live, and yet we have the Word of life within us!  We must be faithful to share what we know.  This does not necessarily mean that we go around all the time telling everything we know.  But if a coworker has a sick child that is a wonderful time to tell your testimony of how God healed your child when the prayer of faith was offered.  When someone is going through a divorce, you can tell how the Lord saw you through a season of rejection and how you come to realize that you had worth and value because of the love of God.

I would like to issue a challenge to you.  Look for opportunities where you can tell what you have seen and heard with your own eyes about the workings of the Lord in this earth, and share it!  You will be amazed at how many people are desperate for the words that you have within you.

Dear Lord, help me be a faithful witness.  Show me when you give me an opportunity and let your words be on my tongue.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.



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