Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Felling of the Mighty (Christmas) Tree

"See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.”  Isaiah 42:9


Ah, the Christmas tree.  Its twinkling beauty holds the power to mesmerize and condemn. Condemn?  Perhaps you are now questioning my reasoning.  But for me, and other neurotic souls, that tree has a condemning thing about it.  After Thanksgiving, as I ride along and realize that other folks on our street have their tree up, I begin to have the nagging feeling.  I need to get the tree up. The kids won’t even know it is Christmas unless I get the tree up.  Once it is up, I can thoroughly enjoy looking at it. But then a new nagging starts… you need to get presents wrapped and under the tree… a feeling fully satisfied on Christmas Eve when it is full of the best we have to offer that year to our children.  And then, you guessed it, the day after Christmas… it begins to taunt me once again.  I then start with a quandary… How long must I keep this thing up to make it worth all the hassle it was?  Am I a scrooge if I take it down immediately?  In our early years of marriage, when we were childless and had money to spare, I would always leave it up until after New Year’s Day, because my husband is a New Year’s baby.  I would wrap up several presents (again, this was B.C.- before children) and enjoy it until he opened presents on his birthday.  But these days, his birthday is a quieter and lower budget affair.  Thus, my conundrum.  Do I take down the tree or leave it up until after his birthday?

OK, so maybe you now realize you are reading the rantings of a woman off-kilter.  But let me ask you this- what is the Christmas tree in your life?  What is it that hangs over your head, makes demands on you and causes torment?  Is it debt?  Is it health that you could improve by making lifestyle changes?  Parenting guilt and expectations?  An unfulfilling job?  Whatever stares you down on a daily basis, we face the same questions:  What do I need to do?  What do I need to let go and put away?  Is it time to conquer this thing or recognize that this is a fight that I do not need to win?

These questions are one reason why I cherish the new year.  As today’s passages states, “the former things have taken place and new things I declare…”  There is a lot of water under the bridge.  Some of it has been awesome- milestones of our life.  Other things have been frightening, disappointing and down-right depressing.  No matter; it is in the past.  Now you look ahead with a year full of potential.  Will there still be disappointment and pain for me in 2013?  Most likely- unless the Lord soon returns for us.  But this year can be a great year if we apply ourselves and seize the opportunities that the Lord puts in our path.

Tomorrow we will talk about looking to the new.  But today- survey your life.  Pray and read the Bible a bit.  Ask he Lord the hard questions.  What do I need to let go of?  What do you desire to change in me? Let today be a day of putting the past behind you, and stirring up yourself to embrace the new with zeal and enthusiasm.

Thank you Lord, for Christmas and all it means to me as a Christian. But as I put the past behind me, I ask that you help me to know what to let go of and what to cling to.  Help me find renewed hope and strength in you.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Happy New Year!


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