I well remember being a little girl and my Grandma
hearing me say someone was a liar. She
scolded me strongly about it, explaining it was ugly to call someone a
liar. She talked in terms of “telling
stories.” I remember too as a young
mother telling one of my little ones not to lie. Once again, Grandma reminded me it was ugly
to call someone a liar. I remember that
day telling her (respectfully) that lying was a sin, not confronting a
lie. A truth she had to agree to.
Here the Word of God is rather strong. But it really is a right or wrong
scenario. Either you do what he says, or
you don’t really know him. You can know
he is God. You can know historical facts about his son, Jesus. But you cannot really “know” him until you know him as Lord. That means that you exalt him to his rightful
place in your life and allow him to call the shots. You know him when you cannot stand the idea
of breaking his heart by rebelling against his Word. You know him when you recognize his holiness to
the point you have a right amount of reverential fear and awe of the Righteous
Friday we discussed how we know we know him if we
obey his commands. Today’s verse is just
the flip side to that verse. Don’t you
just love how the Bible is so well-balanced?
We can know him and obey, or we can not obey and realize we do not know
him at all. That is the two choices laid
out before us in Scripture. But to not
obey, and claim to know him? That just
make you a hypocrite (an actor/actress) and a liar. The trademark of any true believer is a love
for Jesus, his Word, and a desire to please him.
Where are your affections today? Are they on pleasing God or pleasing
yourself? Do you know him? Do you love him? Find out what the Bible says and do it. Do you claim Jesus, but live however you see
fit? Repent! He wants you to know him and be in close
relation with him.
Jesus, help me not to just be a hearer of your Word, but a doer of it. I want
to know you, Lord. Remove the mixture in
me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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