Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Last Minute Strategies


"Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come.   This is how we know it is the last hour."  I John 2:18

Recently my son and I both underwent surgery the same week- a week before Christmas.   My job requires me to meet several requirement in order for me to get paid.  Obviously, meeting those requirements before surgery was paramount.   Like many of you, there are several things that I need to do to feel like I had a good Christmas.  I need to make a list, shop, decorate the tree, decorate the house, wrap presents, bake cookies, make candy, get Christmas cards with a family photo made and sent out, attend a Christmas program or two, sing carols and host a party or two.

This year our surgeries' being scheduled came about quickly with just a week or so to prepare.  For me, the recovery period would be six weeks, so everything needed to be done for work and Christmas prior to the surgery date.  Needless  to say, due to the lateness of the hour, I had to make some choices about what of my Christmas to-do lists were truly essential.  Because time was short, I chose not to decorate throughout the whole house, not to make home-made goodies and to send Christmas cards primarily to immediate family.  It pained me to take those short-cuts, but the lack of time necessitated these choices.

Likewise, the hour is late for us in the Spirit.  The time before Christ's return is quite short.  All the events currently happening in the world are emphasizing every end-day prophecy contained within the Word.  Because this is the last hour, what things should you be doing? What are your priorities?  What are your must-do's?  What things can you omit to make room for the necessary tasks?  This may sound radical, but it is nevertheless needful. 

Not only must we order our lives with intentionality, but we must also guard our hearts and minds.  The antichrists referred to in this passage are false teachers that come to lead people away from Christ.  As time draws short, we must guard against being led astray by people teaching things that are not in accordance with the Bible.  To prevent that, we must study our Bible and walk in discernment.  To neglect doing these things is to set ourselves up as prey to these antichrists (which is not to be confused with the antichrist that will arise during the tribulation period.)  We must be on guard and vigilant against the enemy.

Dear Lord, help me order my life in the way that you would choose.  Help me to be discerning and wise and avoid false teaching.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.



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