Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spoiled Child

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!  The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him." I John 3:1


Who is your worst enemy?  Someone who has said bad things about you, hurt you, mistreated your kids, stabbed you in your back, spit in your face...  Now that we have stirred up all the bad feelings you may still have, imagine adopting that person as your child.  Taking them in, feeding and clothing them, giving them medical care, taking them shopping for catcher's gear and prom dresses. Does this sound ludicrous to you?

That is basically what God did for us.  We lived as sinners, enemies of the cross, despising his sacrifice, blaspheming his holy name. And then one day, we acknowledged that we were sinners, accepted Jesus' sacrifice and we went from enemy status to full-fledged children of God.  It would be lavish love if he just canceled the stuff that makes us his enemy.  But he did so much more!  He made us his sons and daughters.  He gave us the right to use His name, his resources, his Word.  What a Father!  What a Savior!

Because we are affiliated with Almighty God, there will be people who will not like us.  Why?  Because they do not like him.  There will be people who will reject us, ridicule us and persecute us.  But this is a small price to pay given the sacrifice he made for me.

When we behave like the Lord, sinners will be baffled and possibly mock us.  It makes no sense to keep the peace when revenge is called for.  No one understands us taking annual leave to take a missions' trip or to work youth camp.  Giving more than 10% of our income to the church is insanity to the world.  So  much of the Bible is a counter culture to the world.  Because of that, we can expect to face our fair share of being misunderstood.  But never lose sight of the benefits of being associated with the Lord- salvation, peace, joy, and eternity in heaven with him.  When you weigh it all out, serving the Lord is the best deal you will ever make in this life!

Dear Lord, thank you for adopting me as your daughter.  Thank you for canceling my sin and giving me rights that I will never deserve.  Help others to see the image of the Father in me.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


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