"Do not love the world or anything in the
world. If anyone loves the world, the
love of the Father is not in him."
I John 2:15
What do you love in this world? Your mate, your kids? Loving people is a good thing. Loving the beauty of God's creation, loving
good fellowship or time in the Bible are all great things. This verse is talking about a different kind
of love. This occurs when we become
attached to worldly things. Seeking
praise of man, power, prestige, finances, conspicuous consumption- all of these
are examples of people having an ungodly attachment to things of this world.
This passage indicates that if our affection is set
on what this world has to offer, then we will not have the appropriate
attachment to God. When we are indulging
in worldly pursuits, we are not loving God.
The Bible states that if we love Jesus,
we will keep his commandments. Love and
obedience are very closely linked. In
order to go after the things of the world, we will have to sacrifice obedience
to God on the altar of worldliness. We
must pick our allegiance.
This is not to say that a God loving person could
never be blessed financially or enjoy success in life. There are many
godly people that have received those
blessings. The distinction comes between
people who are going after the "blessing", rather than the "Blesser". If we are going after God with all of our
heart-and he knows he can trust us, he may choose to bless us with material
blessings. But we must not pursue them,
rather we must pursue his kingdom.
John 3:16, the most famous of all Bible verses
says: "For God so loved the world
that he gave his only begotten son..."
At first glance, this might seem to contradict today's verse. But when God is loving the world, he is
loving the people of the world. When we
love others we are walking as Jesus did and will never go wrong. Is there anything in your life that you
treasure so much, you hope the Lord delays his coming until you can attain
it? If so, you may need to do a heart
check-up to make sure that your priorities are in order. Loving God comes first, loving people comes
second. The secret to a victorious life
comes in fulfilling both of these pursuits.
Lord, help me to see the world as you do- in light of your redemptive plan for
mankind. If I am pursuing something in
exclusion to you, please show me and change me.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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