Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Little Foxes

"Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards which are in bloom. "  Song of Solomon 2:15


I have heard all of my life about the "little foxes that spoil the vine" and today I proved it out experientially.  I woke up today with a fairly positive outlook and expectation for the day.  What I got was the total opposite.  You may wonder what big catastrophe awaited me.  But I am ashamed to admit it was nothing big. It was little stuff. Lots and lots of little stuff!  My computer monitor faded out every 15 minutes.  My computer would not communicate with my printer.  My printer was low on ink.  My internet was slow to the point that it would take 30-45 minutes to attach a 3 page document.  I could go on and on, but you would only think me a whiner!

That was it.  All day long.  Little nuisances, little inconveniences, and the next thing you know, my peace was out the window!  I was aggravated, agitated and stressed beyond repair.  And then I remembered the "little foxes."  We think of the big attacks as being the stuff that steals our victory, but more often it is the small stuff.  The bill you forgot to pay.  The slow car in front of you.  The cashier that is slower than smoke... Dumb stuff.  Petty stuff.  Stuff that drains all things spiritual right out of you.

I have often heard people speak of Chinese water torture.  It is my understanding that it amounts to a slow drip of water being directed to your forehead while you are tied down and cannot escape.  I can see how that could make a person batty!  The constant irritation, the feeling of hopelessness and entrapment is enough to attack our psyche.

So what is a Christian to do?  I began today to pray about the small stuff.  Everything did not miraculously begin to work, but all of a sudden I would have little inspirations to try it this way, or do it in another location.  Ultimately, at day's end it was all done.  So was it worth it to let the enemy steal my peace?  Absolutely not!  So how can I avoid that tomorrow?

There is no planning for unexpected inconveniences, obviously, be we can prepare ourselves with ample time in Bible study and  prayer.  We never know what a day will hold, but God does.  If you feel inspired to linger over Scripture in the morning- heed that leading.  God knows  what lies ahead!  It is much easier to prevent a leak in your wall than it is to repair one!

Are there little things that annoy and aggravate you?  Things that cause you to have a short fuse?  Begin to bring those to the Lord to receive the grace you require to overcome.

Dear Lord, grant me peace, serenity and a trusting heart that is not moved by the small stuff.  Help me to see your hand in all areas of my life.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.



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