There have been people in my life that have lied to me. There have been people I have lied to. There have been others still who I accused of lying, only to find out that they were telling the truth.
How do we know when someone is telling the truth? The easiest way is that if we know their character to be one of integrity. If they have always conducted themselves in a trustworthy manner, then we are more prone to believe what they are saying.
God has never been anything but truthful, faithful and loving to me. He has met my needs, blessed me beyond measure and lavished me with his love. How could I believe that he would ever do anything that was not forthright and honest? Because I so believe in his holiness, I cannot do anything else but take him at his Word in all matters. Even when there are things in the Bible that I may not fully comprehend intellectually, I can take the truth of it by faith. By faith in the person of God.
Anyone who does not believe Jesus is all that God says he is, makes God out to be a liar. That is a serious offense. One I hope none of us are guilty of doing. As believers, our greatest job is believing. Believing all that we are taught in the Bible and impressed by his Spirit.
Dear God, forgive me for the times I have failed to believe and made you out to be a liar. Help me to increase in faith and walk in belief. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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