Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Venting Full Throttle

"A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control."  Proverbs 29:11

Have you ever been so angry you  were just about out of your mind with it?  Have you ever had  your mind flooded with nothing but inappropriate things to say?  I  have.   And I hate that feeling. Anger is such a negative emotion to me.  I hate the way it makes me feel out of control.  It makes your hands numb, your heart race, your guts knot up...anger is a physiologically taxing event.  And even more so emotionally.  And spiritually.

I have known Christians, who lose all semblance of Christianity when they become angry.  Nothing is off limits, they are ranting, raving, cussing, attacking, and saying things they can never take back.  Giving someone "a piece of your mind" is not all that it is cracked up to be.

As  Christians, we are called to live a life of self-control.  We cannot afford to say  whatever comes to mind.  We have to live Spirit-controlled lives if we want to be a witness.

What are your primary shortcomings with anger?  Do you become violent?  Profane?  Do you run away?  Do you become rude and hateful?  If so, you have some work to do! We  all have things that push our buttons quicker than others.  But we can walk in the Spirit to the point that we do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (or its tantrums).

If temper is an issue for you, as it is for me, there are some things you can do.  I try to recognize when my temper is spiraling and not allow it full vent.  I try to prevent an all-out anger episode.  I create boundaries in my life.  There are things I simply will not allow myself to say, no matter how furious I am.  What boundaries do you need to erect? 

Another way to combat anger related problems is to confide in an accountability partner who will let you know when you are getting out  of control.  When you get serious about conquering anger, you will go to any lengths to avoid falling  into a fit of carnality.

A wise man controls himself.  Why?  Because he knows the fall-out is not worth it.  Because damage clean-up is messy business.  Because he walks in the wisdom of the Spirit.  When we sin internally, we sin between us and God. When we sin to others, or in front of others, then we have to make amends with the people and with God. Isn't it just easier to zip your lip?

Dear Lord, help me to be spirit-controlled, not controlled by my emotions.  Help me to walk in wisdom and to keep profanity, hurtful speech and carnal ways far from me.




"Be still and know that I am God..."  Psalm 46:10


When seeking the Lord's will for our lives, it is often hard to know which direction to take.  Do I move forward in faith and see  what happens? Do I stand still until I know which direction to go?  What will be my  sign that I am going in the right direction?  Sometimes  a quick response is required, but for other things, we have time to linger before the Lord as we ponder the confusing questions of life.

I understand that being still before God means  that I do not run ahead without  him:  I wait for his voice, I wait for his direction; I wait for his leading.  But what else does this mean?

For me,  part of the process is to still my running mind that goes on endlessly with questions, doubts, thoughts and scenarios. Sometimes when I am trying to be still before him, I literally feel like my mind is a runaway train.  No matter how hard I try to focus, my mind chases its own rabbits.

For example, let's  say I am contemplating a work-related decision.  It could go something like this, "Lord, I need to know your will.  I don't want to make this decision if it is not of you. Show me your direction."  And then I sit there.  Before long my mind says, "Well if I make this decision, it will mean a loss of $__ in income.  If I do that, I will not have enough money to pay ____ bill.  If we can't do that, Johnny is likely to be upset about it...."  Then I catch myself, and once again attempt to reign in my thoughts.  The next thing you know, my mind is off to the races again, "If I make this decision, then we will increase our income by $____, then I will be able to save up $___ or pay off ____ bill.  That would be really good. Then we can get out of debt and that will free me up for more ministry and time with my family.  But what if it is the wrong decision, and it causes my workload to increase?  I am already stretched to the limit,  how can I handle anything else?  It is hopeless.  Neither way seems like a good plan.  I am so depressed.... oh, wait, I am waiting for the Lord..."

Does any of this replicate your own life?   Being still before God almost requires a special endowment of grace from Him!  Somehow, in the chaotic world of Me, I have to find a way to remember that He is God.  He is bigger, stronger and smarter than me.  He knows the end from the beginning and is well able to show me what to do.  All of this trying to work it out for myself is nothing but a sign  of a lack of faith on my part.  But if I "still" my mind by  choosing to focus on Him, His vastness; His omnipotence, then I find my own spirit settling down and relaxing enough to hear that "still, small voice."

Are you fighting a warfare in your mind?  Focus on Him.  Praise Him.  The rest will be revealed.

Dear Lord, please still my racing and anxious thoughts.  Cause me to be at rest in Your presence and reminded of Your goodness.  Help me to wait before you and to discern your voice.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Need Direction?


"Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways.  He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way." Psalm 25:8-9


Have you ever been desperate to hear from God?  Have you ever been frantic to know his direction?  I have been- and am currently- in that shape.  It is such an uncomfortable feeling when you feel the Lord realigning and adjusting the direction of your life, but you have no idea which way to go, or what He is up to.


I have heard it taught that when it is time for the baby eaglet to leave home, the parent eagles will begin to pluck the feathers out of the nest and make it uncomfortable for the little bird.  They might even allow some "pokey" sticks to be in it, to give the baby eagle the nudge that it needs to get out of the nest.  It is a very trying time when the Lord is ruffling up your nest!  It is a time of stretching, seeking and feeling, well... downright uncomfortable.


According to these verses, the Lord instructs the sinners, but he GUIDES the humble and teaches them his way.  I love that!  He offers instruction to those that do not follow him.  He loves them that much!  But to those of us who love him, He goes before us.  He guides and directs us.  The whole time, He is teaching us his ways.  That is such a beautiful picture of a personal God!  He does not send us where He will not go with us.  He will not send us  where he will not go before us, locating the dangers, scoping out the predators, finding the best path for us.  What a good God!


Can I be brutally honest?  Sometimes I get frustrated in the teaching phase.  I just want the Lord to zap me and put me where I am ultimately going.  I get weary of stretching, growing, and being disciplined and sharpened.  But the journey is an important part of reaching our destiny.  If we are zapped from here to there, we will find ourselves ill-equipped for our destination.  If we are transported directly from point A to point B,  we may have culture shock.  We often need a gradual "unveiling" of God's plan and purposes to keep us from being scared off from the final end.


When we travel for vacation, I usually dread the drive there.  But I especially dislike the ride home.  I often come home feeling sad because the trip is over and I am back to the stressors of working from home.  The Lord convicted me of that attitude showing me that if my husband (or family) and I had just one day to be together, take a drive, talk, see new sights and eat interesting places, I would consider it fun.  But instead of seeing the trip as part of the vacation, I have chosen to see it as an end mark.  What if we could find a way to enjoy the journey, start to finish?


Joyce Meyer has a book out called "Enjoying Where You Are on the Way to Where You are Going"  (or something quite similar).  That is so true in our walk with God.   We are usually in the phase of "becoming" rather than arriving.  We have to learn to enjoy that place, because it is where the crux of life is lived.   Today you may be asking the hard questions.  Today you may be overwhelmed, confused and afraid.  But you are still in a good place because you are with The One who loves you most of all.  Maybe you don't know where you will end up or how it will all work out, but you can still enjoy the ride!


Dear Lord, help me to trust you in the "guiding" and "teaching" times.  Help me to relax from self-care and trust my destiny into your hands.  Thank you that your plan for me is a good one and that you walk beside me each step of the way.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Receiving the Strength & Peace of God

"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." Psalm 29:11


Have you ever been around an extremely generous person?  There have been times people have lavished me with so much generosity that it became uncomfortable and downright embarrassing.  That is the way the Lord generously pours His love and gifts on us!

This verse talks about two important things that  the Lord pours out in our life: 1) strength and 2)peace.  There is seldom a day that goes by that I do not rely on the strength of the Lord to resist temptation, to stand during a trial or to not give up hope about a promise the Lord has given me.  The strength of my moral fiber or character is tenuous at best.  But he has unlimited power to enable us  to walk in the Spirit and meet the demands of living in a sin-filled world.

Thank God for His gift of peace!  So much of life makes no sense to me, tries my faith and leaves me riddled with anxiety.  But the supernatural commodity of peace enables me to see the storm, but not feels the effects of it.

After a season of intense work-related stress, I can see how Christ's peace was multiplied to me to see me through the tensest of days.  But I also appreciate how after the storm had past He renewed my reserves of peace.  Today I spent hours at the beach, taking in the sounds of the surf, observing the undaunted peace of  the birds.  It is a reminder that He is watching over all creation, providing for it just as He does for his children.

Dear Lord, help me to receive your strength and peace.  Help me to walk in the Spirit and not be moved by the stressors that life throws my way, in Jesus' Name.  Amen.



Friday, May 24, 2013

Quiet and Restored


"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul..." Psalm 23: 1-3a


I love the imagery of this passage of Scripture. Lying down in green pasture shows a place of rest in God's provision.  Being led by quiet waters, allows me to satisfy my thirst in safety and tranquility, and then He does the ultimate...He restores my soul.  He brings it back to its former luster, to its peak condition.  Wow!

Life is full of seasons, some of  peace and some of tumult.  Times of hurting, and times of healing. Times of quiet and times of noise.  Times of stress and times of relaxation.  If there was not the antithesis to our hard times, we would all go insane!

Lately the Lord has been stretching me through a lot of stressful situations for which there seems to be no reprieve.  Since God  is not the author of confusion and disorder, I am continually try to find Him in the middle of what is happening and align myself with His outlook and His approach to problem-solving.  This occurs with varying degrees of success on my part.

When  the stresses of life begin to ravage my peace, I often find myself praying, "Lord, restore my soul."  I have been taught that our soul is our mind, will and emotions.  My spirit can be resting safely in God while my mind, will and emotions are being hammered by negative feelings such as anger, impatience, distrust and fear.  When I need an overhaul of my soul, there is only one place to turn.  God is the only one who can bring rest to a frenzied mind.   He is the only one who can speak peace to the storms of my life.  He is the only one who can satisfy my thirst for more of Him, while protecting me from my own feelings of desperation.

God is  still God in the dark night of our soul.  He is still loving and powerful when others are hateful and thoughtless. He is gentle and tender when life is harsh and abrasive.

We all face opposition, trials and struggles.  Some are without- brought on by other people or circumstances.  Others are within- brought on by our own weaknesses and fears.  It matters not.  Either way, he is the God of restoration. 
I join the psalmist in my cry, "Yes, my  soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him." (Psalm 62:5)

Dear Lord, thank you that you have made provision for my every need- spiritual, physical, emotional and material.  Restore my soul, O God.  Quiet my soul and grant me rest, for my hope is in You.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.



Thursday, May 23, 2013

Little Foxes

"Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards which are in bloom. "  Song of Solomon 2:15


I have heard all of my life about the "little foxes that spoil the vine" and today I proved it out experientially.  I woke up today with a fairly positive outlook and expectation for the day.  What I got was the total opposite.  You may wonder what big catastrophe awaited me.  But I am ashamed to admit it was nothing big. It was little stuff. Lots and lots of little stuff!  My computer monitor faded out every 15 minutes.  My computer would not communicate with my printer.  My printer was low on ink.  My internet was slow to the point that it would take 30-45 minutes to attach a 3 page document.  I could go on and on, but you would only think me a whiner!

That was it.  All day long.  Little nuisances, little inconveniences, and the next thing you know, my peace was out the window!  I was aggravated, agitated and stressed beyond repair.  And then I remembered the "little foxes."  We think of the big attacks as being the stuff that steals our victory, but more often it is the small stuff.  The bill you forgot to pay.  The slow car in front of you.  The cashier that is slower than smoke... Dumb stuff.  Petty stuff.  Stuff that drains all things spiritual right out of you.

I have often heard people speak of Chinese water torture.  It is my understanding that it amounts to a slow drip of water being directed to your forehead while you are tied down and cannot escape.  I can see how that could make a person batty!  The constant irritation, the feeling of hopelessness and entrapment is enough to attack our psyche.

So what is a Christian to do?  I began today to pray about the small stuff.  Everything did not miraculously begin to work, but all of a sudden I would have little inspirations to try it this way, or do it in another location.  Ultimately, at day's end it was all done.  So was it worth it to let the enemy steal my peace?  Absolutely not!  So how can I avoid that tomorrow?

There is no planning for unexpected inconveniences, obviously, be we can prepare ourselves with ample time in Bible study and  prayer.  We never know what a day will hold, but God does.  If you feel inspired to linger over Scripture in the morning- heed that leading.  God knows  what lies ahead!  It is much easier to prevent a leak in your wall than it is to repair one!

Are there little things that annoy and aggravate you?  Things that cause you to have a short fuse?  Begin to bring those to the Lord to receive the grace you require to overcome.

Dear Lord, grant me peace, serenity and a trusting heart that is not moved by the small stuff.  Help me to see your hand in all areas of my life.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Loop



"I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  Philippians 4:13


Do you ever get a song stuck in your head?  For weeks now, my life has been a series of deadlines and stressful events.  All the while, the lyrics of Matthew West's "Strong Enough" continued to resound in my heart and head: " I can do all things through Christ who give me strength and I don't have to be strong enough..."  It was like a constant loop.

Sometimes when a song is stuck in my head, it is one I despise and I get so sick of hearing it.  Not this time!  It is like the Lord was singing it as encouragement over me.  I was not equal to the tasks that lay before me.  All of it was bigger, more stressful and entirely more complicated that I could do within myself.  But over and over again, I noticed him giving me the grace, prompting me to take this step here, delete this practice there, and the next thing you know, I was done!  I had met all of my deadlines- and with a reasonable amount of success.

Why do we ever try to tackle the demands of this life in our own strength?  Perhaps every generation has felt this way, but I personally feel that as time is winding down and the soon return of Christ is imminent, times are simply getting harder.  It seems more people are sick; hurting; depressed; oppressed and overwhelmed. Some of it is because of the crazy, hectic schedules we keep.  But I am also convinced that as the days become more evil, life is just more difficult to live.

As we "occupy until He comes" we are going to have to draw upon his grace and strength to live in victory through these perilous days.  Does it look impossible?  Is it harder and more difficult than you have the strength to endure?  Be encouraged.  You can do all He wants you to...  In His strength.  You do not have to be strong enough!

Dear Lord, help me to learn how to cast my care on you.  Show me when I am operating in my own strength and help me to draw instead on your strength.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who is Your Idol?


"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know  that you have eternal life.  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us- whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him.  If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he  should pray and God will give him life.  I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death.  I am not saying that he  should pray about that.  All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.  We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.  We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true.  And we are in him who is true- even in his Son Jesus Christ.  He is the true God and eternal life.  Dear children, keep yourselves from idols."  I John 5:13-20


Today's verse almost seems like unexpected redirection from the previous verses.  So much so, that it captured my attention and made me ask the question- why is this verse placed here?!  But as I went back over the previous verses, it became more clear to me.  The evil one is constantly trying to drag us away from truth.  Jesus is calling us to life, and Satan is calling us to choose death.  We need the understanding of God to judge between the two.


In Biblical times, idols were hand carved or crafted and used as an object of worship.  Growing up in the Bible Belt, I could never relate to someone actually have an object that they paid homage to.  But as more and more religions have been introduced into our society, it seems much less far-fetched than it once did.


But still, for most of us, an idol will not be a statue of a cow or a fat little man.  Instead, our idols  are made up of intangibles- power, prestige, acceptance, money, status, recreation, selfishness, the list goes on and on.  Anything that pulls our heart away from God and takes first place in our life is an idol to us. Even a good or positive thing can become an idol. Physical fitness is a good  thing.  But if you become so invested in physical training that you neglect your spiritual training, it becomes an idol.  Couponing is a great tool to save money for your family.  But if you spend five hours a day clipping coupons and dusting your stock pile, rather than attending church service, it is becoming an idol.  The examples are endless.


Is there anything in your life that is vying for God's place in your time, affection or priorities?  If so, begin to realign your life so that God is at the top of your list and the center of the wheel that turns your life.



Dear Lord, show me anything that has become more important to me than you.  Forgive me for allowing the evil one to entice and drag me away.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.


If you have been following this blog for quite some time, congratulations!  We have just completed all of I John!  Thank you for taking the journey with me.



Monday, May 20, 2013

Jesus Revealed


"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know  that you have eternal life.  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us- whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him.  If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he  should pray and God will give him life.  I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death.  I am not saying that he  should pray about that.  All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.  We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.  We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true.  And we are in him who is true- even in his Son Jesus Christ.  He is the true God and eternal life."  I John 5:13-20


I have been raised in church all of my life.  I  grew up hearing  about the love of Jesus, learning the Bible stories in Sunday School and at home.  I am so blessed and grateful for the Christian heritage that I was born into.  I received Christ when I was only five years old.  Being a Christian has been a lifelong pursuit for me. However, I recognize that not all have had that privilege.  When I go to church and hear spiritual terms like sanctification, redemption, and atonement, I understand these words automatically without having to even ponder on their meaning.  But people who were not raised in church or around the Bible, may find this "sub-culture" of Christianity to be too foreign to even understand.  We have to be sensitive to the fact that much of the Bible is a mystery.  It is Spirit and life- and it is discerned in the Spirit.



According to today's verse, Jesus came to bring us understanding.  He came so that we might be in the one who is true, Jesus Christ, the Son of God!  What a blessing!  What a privilege to have the opportunity to have truth unfolded to us by the person of truth!  He and the Father are not willing that any should perish.  Jesus paid the price so that all men may know truth and be born of God.  When we know Jesus, we know the Father as well.  We are granted eternal life- a life of happiness and joy forevermore in the presence of the One who gave His all for us.


If you are new to the family of God, or if you struggle with understanding the teachings of the Bible, begin to pray and ask the Lord to grant you understanding. Just as Jesus walked among the people, carefully teaching them, He is available today to unveil his truth to you! 


I am so grateful to serve a knowable God!  He is not far off from us, hiding Himself from us.  Rather is a God who is near, who is calling to us and watching tenderly over us. If we do not know Jesus, it is because we choose not to know Him.  He is making himself available, and desires to reveal himself to you.  Do you want to know more about God and His Word?  Just begin to ask.  He will gladly meet with you face to face, as a man does with his friend.



Dear Lord, thank you for granting me understanding of Your Word and of spiritual teachings.  Please continue to give me the ability to grow in you, to learn from you and to know you in a personal, intimate way.  I love you, Lord.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.



Friday, May 17, 2013

Who is in Control?


"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know  that you have eternal life.  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us- whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him.  If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he  should pray and God will give him life.  I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death.  I am not saying that he  should pray about that.  All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.  We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one."  I John 5:13-19


It is appalling to hear the language some people use out in public.  It blows my mind how freely people brag about committing sin.  It is nauseating to see how sexualized our whole culture has become.  I am  surprised by how unashamed people are about their own conduct.  But should I be?  Is it really hard to imagine sinners choosing to sin?


We are all born with the inherent sin nature, thanks to Adam and Eve.   We all have a tendency to choose to do wrong and have wrong attitudes. It comes with the territory  of being a human.  No one has to teach a child to lie when they do wrong.  No one has to teach a baby to be selfish.  We are hard-wired to behave in that way.  Unless the blood of Jesus draws a line in our life.  Then, we can come to expect right thoughts, attitudes and behaviors.


People who are not following Jesus, by default, are "under the control of the evil one."  Satan is calling the shots, leading them around and distorting their thinking.  Rather than be shocked and dismayed,  we should be moved to pray for them!  If we want to see people learn how to dress and show some respect, we will first have to show them Jesus!  He alone has the power to break the chains to the flesh and the dark side of this world.


Sometimes Christians forget where they came from.  We get so used to hanging out with other "redeemed" folks that we forget the wretched state we were in, when we met Jesus.  Maybe the strange looking teen at Wal-Mart has never heard that God loves them.  Perhaps the sexually promiscuous young adult thinks this way of doing things is  the "modern way" of dating.  We have to be salt and light, showing people a better way to live.  This cannot be done by shaming them or beating them over the head with our large study Bibles.  We have to pray to see the world as Jesus sees them.  He looks on them with compassion.  He sees their hearts and their hurts.  We have to love them to win them.


Dear Lord, help me to see the world through your eyes.  Help me to reach out in love to those who are bound by this world, and controlled by the enemy.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.



Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sinning Saint


"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know  that you have eternal life.  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us- whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him.  If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he  should pray and God will give him life.  I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death.  I am not saying that he  should pray about that.  All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death.  We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one cannot harm him."  I John 5:13-18


This is one of those touchy verses that we often like to glide over without really taking in its meaning.  This is a bottom-line verse of Scripture.  If a person has received Christ, they  do not continue to sin. 


I have known non-believers who have lived by a higher moral code than some "Christians."  This is not how it is supposed to be!  Being a  "sinning saint" was never what God intended for his children.   His will is that Christians walk blameless in a sin-darkened world.  And in so doing, we shine His light in the world.


Now you may be wondering if I am claiming that I no longer sin.  Oh, how I wish that were true! But I fail and fall short too many times to count.  So what does this verse mean?  Once we are born again, we receive the Spirit of God.   He comes to live inside of us and give us the grace and strength  to live a victorious Christian life.  But, unfortunately, until we are joined with God in heaven, we will continue our battle with our "flesh."  The flesh is the carnal man, the part of us that always seems to tug us away from God's best for our life.


Christians should endeavor at all times to walk in a way that is above reproach.  Our thoughts, speech, manner of conduct, relationships, how we handle our finances, all of it, should be governed by the Holy Spirit.  Every second of every day we should endeavor to  live out the Word of God  in our lives. Because we are human, we are not capable of getting it right all of the time.  But we can work to keep our hearts right.  When the heart is right, the rest follows suit.  A Christian should not have a lifestyle of sin, but rather a lifestyle  of obedience.  I believe Joyce Meyer said it best, "When I was a sinner, I was a full-time sinner.  Sometimes I messed up and did it right.  Now that I am a believer, I am a full-time believer, and sometimes I mess up and sin."  See the difference?  A Christian's slip ups should be the exception, not the rule. Habitual sin has no place  in the life of one of God's children.  When we sin, we must be quick to confess it to God; repent (or turn away from it); and get up and try again to get right back on track with God's plan.


Are there areas of your life that you continually make room for sin?  If so, beware!  The enemy of  your soul is at work in your life.  If you no longer feel conviction when you sin, you are not walking in the Spirit!   Do you constantly gossip?  Have fits of anger?  Do you often curse?  Do you watch pornography?  Reflect on today's verse and ask the Lord to show you if you have areas of your life that he is not Lord over.


Dear Lord, show me any areas of my heart that I have not brought under your Lordship.  Help me to live a life worth of you.  I confess the sin of ____, and ask you to help me to not do it anymore.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.



Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Sin By Any Other Name


"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know  that you have eternal life.  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us- whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him.  If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he  should pray and God will give him life.  I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death.  I am not saying that he  should pray about that.  All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death."  I John 5:13-17


Sin.  What an ugly word!  What a taboo thing to say this day and age!  At this point, nothing is sin, it is just all deciding what is right for you.  At least that is the message from the world.  But, the message of the Bible never changed.  Things are either right, or they are sin.  Shades of grey simply do not exist in the Word of God.  And therefore, should not exist in our lives either.


Sin leads to death.  There is no way around it.  Righteous living (subsequent to receiving Christ's offer of salvation), leads to life.  We have to personally have a good grasp on what is truth and what is a lie.  Our opinion is not the plumb line of how we make decisions. The truth inherent in God's word has to be the measuring rod.  It is the only thing that does not move and does not change.  My opinion on issues can vacillate, depending on my experiences, the experiences of those I care about or from "enlightening" articles that I read.  But God's Word stands the test of time in all age groups, all socioeconomic levels, all ethnic groups and both sexes.  It is the timeless classic. 


Once we have an understanding of the Bible on any given social issue, it is our duty to uphold truth even when it is unpopular.  But truth must always be presented with respect toward the sinner.  God loves all men.  All are made in his image and for his glory.  Attacking others is not Jesus' way.  If any truth we present is not motivated by love and a desire to see the other person saved, we are not led by God.


It is not always conducive to confront people about their sin.  We must be led by the Spirit to know when to speak, and when to keep quiet.  But one thing we can do, is live a life before them, that points them to Jesus.  And we can pray for them.  According to one of today's verses, our prayer could lead to life for them.  We can pray for them to experience conviction for their sin.  We can pray for God to plant people in their life that will be a positive influence on them.  We can pray for the Lord to soften their heart, and cause them to hear or see truth.


But what if they have committed "the sin that leads to death"?  Personally, when I do not know the condition of their heart, I choose to pray for them and let the Lord decide how he deals with them.  If I pray out of concern for someone, what harm is  done?  But if I do not pray for them, what horrible fate can come?


There have been times I have felt the burden to pray for people lift.  That is when praying for them is not accompanied by grace, but rather, feels like a chore.  In that case, we can turn them over to God knowing he is just and righteous and knows what they need.

Dear Lord, please keep me from sin.  Help me to walk in agreement with your Word.  Show me those that you would have me to intercede for and help me to be motivated by love toward all men.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.



Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Getting What You Want Out of Life


"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know  that you have eternal life.  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us- whatever we ask- we know that we have what we asked of him."  I John 5:13-15


Prayer is such a dynamic activity to engage in!  When we pray, we engage our heart, mind, and spirit with the supernatural virtue of God.  We  reach up into heaven and bring down the things that we either have need of, or desire, from the Father.  Because we have surrendered our hearts and lives to him,  we can know when we are praying the will of God.  And when we are assured that we are in alignment with his will, we can boldly ask God and expect to receive what we ask from him.


We have to engage our faith to believe, truly believe, that God is present and is willing to meet our needs.  We have to forget our doubts and fears, and instead, focus on his ability and faithfulness.  When we do that,  we are in a right position to receive the answer to our prayers.


We are supposed to mingle our faith  with our prayers.  We must believe that we are talking to someone who hears us, who has the ability to answer, and who wants to answer our prayers.  When we activate our faith in this way, God is honored and releases his blessings into our life.

If you are still not sure of his will in a given situation.  Begin to pray for peace either over your desired outcome, or the Lord making the call on what you need. When you are led by peace, you can trust God's blessing is upon you.

Thank you, Jesus, for hearing and answering my prayers.  Lead  me in my prayer life to always pray in accordance with your will. Increase my faith, that I may pray in a way that honors You.  In Jesus' Name. Amen.



Monday, May 13, 2013

Just Ask!


"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know  that you have eternal life.  This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."  I John 5:13-14


I wonder how many times I have stood on this verse?  What an encouraging  truth-if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us!  What a beautiful privilege to have the ear of the Father. 


Many Christians like to stand on verses like this one, in an effort to "get God" to do what they want.  It does not work like that exactly.  We can stand on the Word and expect his faithfulness to perform it.  But we have to always remember that we have to pray in accordance with his will for our lives.  He is not duty bound to perform things that we want which are not in accordance with his design for our lives.


When in doubt, pray about it. As you begin to ask the Lord for the desires of your heart, you will begin  to have a knowing in your spirit as to whether something is his will.  When we know the will of the Father, there is no limit to the confidence that we can have concerning having our prayers answered!


Some things are evident in his Word.  It is his will that all come to salvation.  It is his will for us to have peace, be Godly  fathers, mothers, children, wives and husbands.  It is his will that we work and be productive.  It is his will to heal out diseases and provide for our needs.  But when it is matter such as should I take this job or that one, then we have to learn to be led by his peace in making decisions.


As you pray for what you desire, open your hands, palm up, in surrender.  Say, "Lord, this is what I want,  but if it is not your will, redirect my path."  When we pray that way, God can honor our prayer because we acknowledge his sovereignty ad his right to intervene in the direction of our lives.


Thank you, Jesus, that you will direct me in your will for my life.  Be glorified in all I say and do.   In Jesus' Name. Amen.

