“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered
them in her heart.” Luke 2:19
This verse is one of my very favorite Christmas
verses. I can just picture the young mom
observing all that transpired surrounding the birth of Christ. She stored up all these memories- Joseph’s
response; the census; the stable; the shepherds; the star; the angel’s report…
All of these things she treasured up and pondered them in her heart. Have you ever had God so blow your mind that
all you could do was look at him with your mouth agape? That was where Mary
was- overwhelmed by the goodness, love and miracle working power of Almighty
I pray that as the
countdown continues to Christmas that you have time to treasure up these things
and ponder them in your heart. Recognize
what all of this means to you personally.
Salvation, healing, deliverance, and the list goes on…
I will be taking a couple of weeks off from blogging due to some family needs and the holidays. I hope you will check back with me after the first of the year, where I am sure to be blogging my heart out again. Also, feel free to use the search engine to research topics you would be interested in reading about within my blog. May God bless you and yours with a Christ-centered Christmas and a New Year full of his grace and favor.
Dear Lord, thank you
for lowering yourself to leave the glories of heaven and come to earth as a
humble servant. I choose to come before
you and worship. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.