“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9
Is there anything more delightful than admitting
you are wrong?! Confession is often a
painful and distasteful activity. We try
to get around it. Rather than saying I
am sorry I hurt you we say “If I hurt you, I’m sorry.” If asked “Did you do this?” children usually
respond with “I might have.”
Admitting we are wrong, whether it be to God or
man, requires a vulnerability that we are uncomfortable with. But it must be done. Jesus has paid the price for our sins. He died on the cross and paid the penalty
that we might be free. Our part is to
come to Him and confess our sins, His part is to cleanse and purify us.
Even after we come to Christ for salvation, we
still stumble, we still fall. Thus,
confession should be a common part of the Christian’s prayer life. Whoever said that confession is good for the
soul, told the truth! Confession makes
us feel clean, honest and right before the Lord. And the good news is that the more we do it,
the easier it becomes.

These confessions may be painful to make, but the
truth is that if we take one step toward Him, he covers the rest of the
distance. Confession is our part and we
must take it seriously. Confession is a
constant reminder of who we are on our own, and who we become through His
sacrifice. I encourage you today to take
a little time to do some spiritual housekeeping. Confess to Him all your shortcomings. You may be surprised how much closer you feel
to Him when there is not unconfessed sin between you.
“Dear Lord, forgive me. Forgive me for thinking I can do this on my
own. Forgive me for having unforgiveness
toward people in my life. Make me aware
of any sin that is between us. In Jesus’
Name. Amen.