Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Monday, July 16, 2012

From Grief to Grace

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28

Isn’t it good to know that no matter what life throws our ways, God works it for our good?  So many things that come our way can seem bad, if not downright awful.  Christians are not immune from the heartaches of life.  We too lose our jobs, have wayward children and face health issues.

God’s way of working for the good means that He can take the bad that life throws our way but use it to better us.  He works our character in the furnace of life. He teaches us to trust Him.  He gives us depth of character and integrity as we turn to Him through life’s trials.

Since we know that nothing comes our way unless He allows it; and since we know He ultimately works all things for our good, we can rest in Him when life gets out of control.  God loves us and watches carefully over us.  Many times He spares us from tragedies and mishaps.  These are the situations that get us excited about being a child of God.  We are a little less thrilled when He gives us the grace to walk through things that we want Him to rescue us from.

This is a lesson that I learned personally a few years ago.  I believed that the Lord had promised me another child. So when we got the news that we were expecting I was so excited about the fulfillment of my answered prayers.  I was completely taken off guard when I lost that baby through miscarriage.  I went through a season of doubting and yes, even anger that the Lord had allowed that to happen.  When we found out that we were expecting again, I was frightened, but still overjoyed.  I believed with the depths of my soul that God would not allow that to happen to me again.  But just like the time before that, I found myself grieving with empty arms.

It was at that point that the Lord spoke to me about the problems of life.  He basically impressed on me that the lessons He was trying to teach me would be learned through one life issue or another.  The question was did I want a baby at the end of the trial?  So with fear and trembling we were told once again that we were expecting.  I would like to say that this time there were no problems.  But it seemed to be going terribly wrong just like the other two times.  Ultimately, Praise God(!), we were blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

It was during that season of grief, loss and confusion that I came to trust Him that no matter how things turned out, I knew that He would work it all for my good.  Certainly this was tragedy I would rather have avoided.  The loss of two babies in four months’ time was emotionally and physically devastating to me.  But I did learn that through these things the Lord was faithful to walk with me through it all and protect me from falling from the faith.

Whatever you are facing today, I urge you to put your trust in God.  He cares about your situation even more than you do.  He knows what it will take for you to receive your miracle.  He will not leave you to walk it alone.

Dear Lord, help me today to walk in faith, regardless of my circumstances.  Thank you that you are working everything for my good.  Please grant me the grace I need to stand through it all.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I truly enjoy your blogs. :)


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