“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or
reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable then they?” Matthew 6:26
Bird watching has always had its fans. There is something about watching the power
of an eagle soaring through the sky.
Even the seemingly carefree existence of a sea gull in flight is enough
to be breathtaking.
This passage of scriptures urges us to take a
moment and look at these, some of God’s smallest creatures. We are to recognize that they are not capable
of planting and harvesting their own food.
We will not find a bird renting a storage space or “putting up vegetables”. And yet, God sees to it that they have food
when they need it, just as he provided manna for the Israelites.

When we worry about how we are going to feed our
family or ourselves, we are usurping the place of God in our lives. We are to look to Him to be our provider at
all times. Certainly, God has ordained
work as a means of provision for the able-bodied. But even our participation in work is at His
good pleasure. He gives us the
intellect, the brawn or the favor to obtain and carry out any job we
perform. He gives us wisdom to manage
the income we receive. When all is said and done, He is the origin
and conclusion of all things that pertain to us.
Trust in God today. He will not fail you. He loves you intimately
and infinitely.
Dear Lord, thank you that you care for even the
smallest creature. Thank you that you
care for me even more. Help me trust you
to take care of my needs and to send whatever resources or provision I
need. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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