Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Worry: America's Pastime

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”  Matthew 6:27

Worry.  It is a daily pastime for many of us.  And yet, it may literally be the biggest time waster known to man.  Jesus asks the rhetorical question here- who can add a single hour to his life by worrying?  Perhaps the ironic answer is that worrying actually subtracts hours from our life!

Our minds are very intricate and complex mechanisms and almost as hard to control as the tongue.  It is God’s will that we find a way to trust Him rather than spending our days – and hours- worrying.
A habit of worry is difficult to break, but may be as simple as “bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” (II Corinthians 10:5.) That means that we do not allow our minds to aimlessly wander wherever they want to go, instead we discipline them to think upon the things of the Lord.  Philippians We choose instead to think on the “pure, the lovely, the things of good report.” (Philippians 4:8 paraphrase)

I hear your thoughts now: “But I have something legitimate to worry about!”  I do not doubt there are real issues going on in each of our lives and some of us are walking through major life crises.  But the truth of the matter is this- worrying is not your part to play in any given situation.  Worrying is fruitless. Worrying changes nothing.  Worrying corrodes our faith.  Worrying muddles our mind. Worrying causes us to focus on doubts rather than on our faith.  Our part as a believer- in every situation- is to believe.

I encourage you today to do as Joyce Meyer advises: “Think about what you are thinking about.”  If your thoughts are worrisome, fearful, anxiety provoking thoughts, choose instead to speak the Word of God over your situation.  Instead of thinking, I am going to die; meditate instead on the fact that “by his wounds you have been healed.” (I Peter 3:34).  The Word of God has the power to transform our mind and allow us to think faith-filled, hopeful thoughts about our lives and our future in Christ.

Dear Lord, help me today to lay aside worry and instead, focus on you.  Please bring to my mind the scriptures that I need at the moment I need them to refocus my energy on your Word rather than my worry. In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.


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