This is the message
you have heard from the beginning: we
should love one another.” I John 3:11

At least we love the
idea of being in love and being loved by others. But the truth is that love is no easy
task. Love is not for wimps. Love is for the few, the strong, the
dedicated. (Said tongue in cheek).
“God is love.” (I
John 4:16) He epitomizes all that is
love. And when we are born again
children of God, he expects us to show love in this world as well. It is relatively easy to love our new-born
babies. It is easy to love a husband or
wife who dotes on us. But how well do we
love the unlovely? The rude people, the
selfish people, the pushy people?

We all struggle with
showing love all the time and to everyone.
But it is proof that we are His disciple. It is a mark to aim for in our daily lives. So today as life gives you opportunity to
become angry and retaliatory, choose instead to walk in love. To the grumpy clerk, extend mercy. To the inconsiderate driver, pray that God
will spare their lives long enough for them to gain some sense! If we are not out in this world showing the
Father’s love, it is not being shown. He
left us behind to finish what he began.
The most famous verse in all the bible begins: “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16).
Go forth, child of God and so
love the world!
Dear Lord, help me to
walk in love today and show your love to people who feel unloved and
invisible. Love through me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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