I John 4:21-23
Getting our prayers answered depends on so many
factors! It is not just about saying the
right prayer, at the right time and in the right position. We have to pray
according to His will. We have to make
sure that our hearts are not condemned because of sin. If we have unconfessed sin in our hearts, that can cancel out the effectiveness of
our prayers. But not doing wrong is just
one part of getting our prayers answered.

This is not a teaching that I have heard very much in my
life in regards to answered prayer, but makes perfect sense. How can I expect God to bring healing to my
body while I am rude to the slow clerk at the grocery store? How can I expect God to hear me when I am
angry and unforgiving toward a fellow Christian?
It is always a good practice to pray for forgiveness and to
pray to forgive prior to bringing our petitions or requests to God. We must do heart maintenance often to get rid
of all the things that creep into our hearts on a regular basis. Anger, unforgiveness, spite, resentment,
revenge… these are all poison to our heart and to our prayer life.
Dear Lord, help me to walk in love toward others today. Show me where I am falling short so that I
can please you and so that you will be able to hear and answer my prayers. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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