“Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my
sin.” Psalms 51:2
Have you ever been dirty? I mean really dirty head to toe? Nothing feels better after that than getting
a good, hot shower. Being really dirty
makes you appreciate clean far more.
Many of us remember that clean, light feeling we
had when we first came to Christ for salvation.
The contrast of being a sinner, to being forgiven is such a heady
experience. You cannot even describe the
joys of it adequately to someone who has not experienced it.
Unfortunately, in time, we sometimes forget where
we came from and to what degree we were cleansed. We do well to occasionally reflect on the
transformation that occurred in that great exchange called salvation. Even as Christians, we constantly need to go
back to Christ for forgiveness.
I am so grateful that he washes away ALL our iniquity. There is no sin beyond his capability to
forgive, wash and erase. No matter how
much we have sinned, or how often, his blood is enough to make us pure,
righteous, holy and blameless in his sight.
Selah- pause and calmly think about that.
Dear Lord, I am so grateful for your blood that
makes me whole and clean. Thank you for
loving me enough to die for my sins.
Thank you that you became sin on my behalf. For the gratitude in my heart, there are no
words. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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