“Restore to
me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.” Psalm 51:12
Have you
ever lost your joy? Sometimes life has a way of zapping every bit of happiness
and joy that we possess. It is a
dangerous place to be, however, when we lose the joy of our salvation. When we forget who we are and where we came
from; when we forget who He is and what He has done for us… We are on dangerous
we have to come before the Lord and ask him to restore that joy to us. The Bible
talks about the joy of the Lord being our strength. Joy in God is so much more than feeling like
life is going our way. It is so much
more than the thrill we feel when our flesh is temporarily satisfied.
The joy of
our salvation is one of the main things that make salvation attractive to
others. When we get down on life; lose
our joy and smile, we render our testimony ineffective. Today, begin to seek the Lord to help you get
back to that first-love feeling. You
know, the feeling you had the day you first came to Christ and knew your sins
were forgiven. Pray until that becomes
foundational in your walk with God. And
when that begins to slip; seek Him once again to do a work of restoration.
Dear Lord,
I have lost the joy of my salvation.
Restore that to me. Reset my perspective. Help me look at life through Your eyes and in
the wonder of all Jesus purchased for me when He was crucified. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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