“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil
with good.” Romans 12:21
Dealing with people can, at times, be a bit
tricky. We all go through times when
someone hurts us or says things that cause us problems. And if we are honest, there are times that we
are the ones inflicting the pain.

Anyone, saved or unsaved, can respond in a
reciprocal manner when we are hurt, angry or offended. But we must decide in advance that we will not
allow ourselves to act ugly to others just because they were ugly to us.
I think about Jesus- our great example. He was
mocked, scorned, laughed at, spat upon, beaten… and His response? “Father forgive them for they know what they
do.” He was able to look beyond the
present and have pity on them for the judgment that they were heaping on their
own heads.
Often, the rude cashier is having family problems,
financial problems or health problems which make them short and hard to deal
with. Maybe life has given them little
to smile about. As we go about, being God’s
hands, feet, and mouths in this world, we must call to mind Jesus’
example. We must be the overcomer in
every situation. We have to be “high
road” people. Often acting in kindness
on our part, has a way of diffusing or breaking the negative pattern that
others begin.
God is the only righteous judge who gets it all
right. Who are we to decide who deserves
punishment and who deserves mercy?
Dear Lord, help me to respond in love on all
occasions. Let my life, speech and
actions be good and not evil. Help me to
overcome every evil tendency within myself.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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