Have you ever stopped to think what it means to
love the world? I have. Unfortunately, it tends to happen during a
season that I am under conviction because I have begun to look at what
everybody has and what all I want.
Our culture is geared toward identifying what you
want in life and going for it. Media
makes us feel like the worldly things are “must-have’s” for everyone. You deserve it; and in fact, you are nothing
without it. If you do not have the latest Smartphone; iPod; flat screen TV; or
flashy new car, you are a “nobody.”
Christians live in the same world as everybody else. We are all hearing
the same messages and humanistic ideals.
If we are not careful, we can become as guilty as someone who does not
know Christ in coveting all the world has to offer.
Many times the offerings of the world are polar opposites
to the righteous decrees of God’s Word.
The world says you deserve to be treated right, give your spouse an
ultimatum and find someone who will love you like you deserved to be
loved. The Bible says that God hates
divorce. The world says that it is
normal, and in fact healthy, to have many intimate partners. The Bible calls all such relationships
outside of marriage, sin. The world says
look out for number one; the Bible says love your neighbor as yourself.
Though we live in the world, the Bible teaches we
are not of the world. Are you uncomfortable
living here? If not, you may be living
too close to the world. Are you wearing
all the latest styles? Do you read all
the same parenting books? It may be time
to re-evaluate your choices.

This world is our mission field. We need to work at finding ways to build
relationship with people who are different than us. Jesus sat and ate with sinners. But he was strong enough to not allow the
world to influence him. Rather, he
influenced the world.
If you are like me, there is a lot of room for
improvement in this area. Every now and
then, it is prudent to take stock of where you are, where you are going, and
what things in life matter to you. God does
not mind us having nice things, pretty clothes, or cool gadgets. As the saying goes, we can have those things
as long as they do not have us!
Dear Lord, please forgive me for adopting the
attitudes of the world and for desiring the things the world has to offer. Help me be satisfied with all the good gifts
you give me. Help me be a person of
impact in the lives of others. In Jesus’
Name. Amen.
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