Mark 5:18-19

18 And
when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he
might be with Him. 19 However, Jesus did not
permit him, but said to him, "Go home to your friends, and
tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had
compassion on you."
Gratitude and
devotion...these are not common character attributes seen today. But they are important. Especially in our relationship with the Lord.
God has done so much for each one of us. Particularly to those who have received Him
as Savior. Like the formerly
demon-possessed man in today's account, we should have an equal desire to
remain in the presence of the Lord. It
should take effort to tear ourselves away from time with Him.
But just as it was
essential that the former demoniac use His time to testify to others about the
great acts Jesus performed on His behalf, we must do likewise. We must testify to the miracles God works in
our lives. We must bear witness to the
goodness and compassion we have generously received at the hands of Jesus.
If we do not tell, people
will die without knowing. This man was told to go home and tell his
friends. Sometimes our closest friends
and family are the hardest to witness to.
Sometimes our relationship baggage makes it hard to give a
"Bible-in-hand" explanation of the truth about Jesus. We can, instead, tell about the little things
that He does for us from day to day. Get a discount at the store? Give Jesus the credit! Have a tough work situation turn around? Share it with those closest to you- acknowledging
the hand of God.
God has had compassion on
us. We must pay it forward in our
relationships and in the situations the Lord brings our way. Witnessing does not just have to be
door-to-door. It can certainly be
heart-to-heart over a cup of latte.
Dear Jesus, thank you for all the compassion and goodness You have
shown me. Anoint me to share it with
others. In
Jesus' Name. Amen.
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