Matt 10:16
"Behold, I send you
out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless
as doves.
you are reading this blog, chances are you are a follower or Christ, or are interested
in spiritual things. Consequently, I
feel relatively certain that you are concerned about the state of our world. I
certainly am. Wars,
rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, calling good evil and evil good... these are examples of the signs of the end times. The soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ is
becoming a topic of conversation even as I am out conducting business in
public. People know something is about
to happen. Check out the titles of newly
released movies. The end of the world is
a recurrent theme!
I was talking with another lady in ministry about how it almost seems like the
criminalization of Christianity is coming about in America. Other religions or belief systems are to be
tolerated, if not applauded. Simultaneously,
Christians are portrayed as narrow-minded hate propagators. There appears to be tolerance toward every
religion in America but Christianity.

light of all of this political and even legal persecution, what is a Christian
to do? I think much of the answer lies
in today's verse. We are sheep among
wolves. We are meek and mild ( if we are
living out the fruit of the Spirit).
There are vicious predators all about us. But instead of locking us up in a pen, the
Lord say "I send you out."
Even the very wolves who seek to
devour us are people created in the image of God and for His glory. We must tell them about Jesus. We must live it out before them. We must be salt and light. Their salvation, or at least the opportunity
to hear truth, rests soundly on us, the body of Christ.
as we are milling around the predators who could easily turn upon us and ravage
us for dinner, we need to set our mind as Christ admonishes. We have to be as wise as serpents and as harmless
as doves. What does that even mean? We
have to be aware. We have to keep our
eyes open. We have to be strategic. We have to be intentional. We have to be knowledgeable. Just because we look like sheep does not mean
we do not need to be wise and prudent in our dealings.
second part is that we are to be as harmless as doves. That does not mean that we will never make
someone angry. Jesus told us the world
hated him and would hate us as well.
But we do not need to purposefully be inflammatory and
controversial. If you can love a sinner
in their sin, it goes a lot further than beating them over the head with your
Bible! As Christians, we must strive to be helpful, rather than
harmful. There are times a person is
helped with a kind word, a hug, or a word of encouragement. Other times, what they may be most helped by,
is a loving rebuke or strong word. That
does not mean we are not acting in love.
It means we are operating wisely and in accordance with the Spirit's
used to work in a mental health clinic.
One day I found myself trapped in my office with a desk, and a severely
psychotic, delusional man between me and the door. After that session, I rearranged my
office. I wanted to be able to help
people, but first I had to protect myself!
We do not need to be foolish in
our dealings. There really is a way to
follow the Spirit's guidance and still utilize the common sense God entrusted
to us.
Dear Lord, help me to be wise in these
last days. Show me how to mix grit with
humility. Righteous indignation with
love. Help me to be salt and light. Even so, comely quickly, Lord Jesus! In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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