Sherri Evans

Sherri Evans

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Overtaken by Blessings




Deut 28:1-2


"Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord  your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord  your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord  your God..."    NKJV

I have worked from home for our youngest child's whole life. Although it is a tremendous blessing to be with him (and my older children as well) it is quite a challenge to get much done with a preschooler underfoot and only 1-2 days per week of child care.  Because of that, I have often found it cheaper to bribe him than to hire a babysitter.  I negotiate with him, "Andrew, if you will play and let me work from now until Daddy comes home, I will take you to the Dollar Tree and get two prizes!" Two dollars is cheap childcare by most anyone's standards.  The pitfall to that is that he began to think that every time he was good he should be rewarded with a prize.   A habit I neither want, nor can afford, to perpetuate!


When I read the first few verses of Deuteronomy 28, I get so excited about all of the blessings that the Lord outlines that are available to me, His child!  I deserve death, judgment and an eternity in hell, but He saved me- and gave me everlasting life.  How could I dare to ever hope for more than that? And yet I can do much more than hope!  I can rest in His promise that it will come to pass.


It pleases the heart of God when we grant Him lordship and obey his decrees.  His commandments are for out benefit.  They are given to keep us from bondage, pain and sickness.  Avoiding the things that He prohibits is a blessing in itself.  But He will place an additional blessing for obedience on top of that.  It is essentially a triple-fold blessing.  That is the best deal around!


Are there areas of life that seem to be cursed?  Do you feel impoverished rather than blessed?  I urge you to check out the rest of this passage to see if you can find an area of concern that you can correct, and put yourself back under the spout of God's  provision and blessing.


Dear Lord, thank you for all of the wonderful blessings that you constantly pour out into my life.  Show me any areas where I am not walking in obedience.  I desire to  walk i the center of your will for my life.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen.







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